
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Muslims Predict Jesus Will Defeat ISIS

Friends, you simply can't make up these headlines....

Muslims Predict Jesus Will Defeat ISIS, Beginning in 2015

All right, it might not start until 2016, these things can be awfully hard to predict exactly. However, surprising as it may seem, one way or another the end of ISIS is in sight, and it's all resting securely in the hands of Jesus, peace be upon him.

There has been a great deal of mainstream media attention lately, both video and print, regarding the fact that ISIS is recruiting based on the promise that their fighters are actually participating in the rapidly approaching end of the world.

At the same time, mainstream orthodox Muslim websites are already predicting Jesus' return as early as 2022, starting an Islamic prophetic clock set to run over the next 7 years, in the purportedly rapidly approaching run-up to Armageddon.

The good news is that even if they're wrong, those claims ISIS is making about their own role in Islamic end-time prophecy spell their own certain end. Because even though ISIS claims they're fighting on the side of the angels, it's obvious they're not, and it should become progressively clearer to even the most misguided Jihadi that either ISIS is wrong about Armageddon or that they're on the wrong side, because of all the things Muslims know are supposed to happen.

And if it turns out they're right, then we can all rest assured that by the time the dust has finally settled there will be no question left about who's side they are really on, because it's all going to be about Jesus.

I think you'll all have to admit, that's a lot to pack into the next seven years and it's going to be hard to miss. 

And with that 7 year clock running, if it all doesn't start happening soon, you can expect to see ISIS supporters starting to slip away.


Did you catch that??  "7 year clock running."

This article is from the uber-liberal Huffington Post and is clearly ridiculing some of these Muslim prophecies...but see if you can pluck out some "truths" as you read the article.  See if you can see how Islam and the Koran has taken some events prophesied in the Bible and twisted them into lies.

There can be no doubt that the world is being prepped for a massive deception.

Can you even imagine the crazy ideas they will come up with to explain where all the followers of Christ went after the trumpet blows and calls us all up into the sky to meet Jesus?

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