
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Las Vegas May Be Out of Water....Soon

Nothing new here....just more evidence and headlines that America may have made a huge mistake by encouraging/allowing 60,000,000 to move into the desert...knowing that all those folks want green golf courses, swimming pools, car washes, lazy rivers and flush toilets.

The news out of the American Southwest continues to worsen. This drought is going to change everything, not tomorrow, and not next year, but at some point in the next few years. Before the decade ends, we’ll probably see climate refuges and the beginning of mass migrations.

"The Colorado is essentially a dying river. Ultimately, Las Vegas and our civilization in the American Southwest is going to disappear, like the Indians did before us,” said Rob Mrowka, a Las Vegas-based scientist at the Centre for Biological Diversity…

“The situation is as bad as you can imagine,” said Tim Barnett, a climate scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “It’s just going to be screwed. And relatively quickly. Unless it can find a way to get more water from somewhere, Las Vegas is out of business. Yet they’re still building, which is stupid."

We’re feeling it where I live in a big way. Not nearly as bad as Vegas and LA, but it’s bad. If you want a vision of the future, look at Sao Paulo, Brazil, where the taps are running dry.

My guess is like running out of water is like running out of money: at first it happens slowly, then all at once.

- See more at:

Can you imagine the cries coming from the residents of Las Vegas if (when?) this happens?...."Why God, why?? Why did you not send the rain to this beautiful city??  Why have you bankrupted us as we were forced to walk away from our $1 million dollar home whose toilets won't flush?  It's not fair!!!"

Let's think, for a second, of what kind of unclean spirits are hovering over Las Vegas...the spirits of gambling, pornography, drunkenness, drugs, strip clubs, legal prostitution, meaningless wedding chapels, "sin city", debauchery, fornication, etc....  There is a reason that the phrase, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" has become famous....because the city has sold itself to America and even the world, as THE PLACE to go to enjoy their sin!  To revel in their sin!

Vegas went from a dusty little town to the capital of hedonism in just a few short years.

One day, maybe soon, it will revert to a dusty little town sitting full of empty homes, empty strip joints, empty wedding chapels and empty casinos.

Can you imagine the unrest that would ensue as 100,000,000 Americans try to leave CA, AZ, NV, NM, etc...  and attempt to relocate someplace that still has flush toilets and showers?

Hat tip to Guy B.

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