
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

More Evidence of Global Warming

As we all know by now, the East Coast and Southern states are experiencing record breaking cold and snow.

On the other side of the world, Afghanistan is suffering through awful snow and cold too.

KABUL: Avalanches triggered by heavy winter snow have killed more than 100 people in mountainous areas of northern Afghanistan, officials said on Wednesday, as rescuers clawed through debris with their hands to save those buried beneath.

The avalanches buried homes across four northeast provinces, killing those beneath, said Mohammad Aslam Syas, the deputy director of the Afghanistan Natural Disaster Management Authority. 

Almost all of the victims were in Panjshir province, approximately 150 kilometres (90 miles) north of the capital Kabul, acting governor Abdul Rahman Kabiri told AFP.

Officials said 100 people have been killed in Panjshir province, while a further 11 people lost their lives in the provinces of Bamyan, Badghis, Nangarhar and Laghman.

Kabiri said rescuers used their bare hands and shovels in an effort to reach survivors.

The avalanches came after two days of heavy snow destroyed more than 100 homes in the province and blocked main roads, making it difficult for rescue workers to reach the stricken villages.

“Ordinary people and government employees are using shovels and bare hands to rescue those who are still trapped under the snow,” Kabiri said, warning that the toll could rise without emergency help.

“We have gathered 300 people to help with the rescue, but we don’t have the equipment we need,” he added.

Officials warned of an imminent humanitarian emergency in areas most severely hit by the bad weather, with snow sweeping through villages and blocking off roads.

“We haven’t seen this much snow, or this many avalanches, for 30 years,” said Kabiri.


"But Dennis, you are clearly mistaken!  It's not called global warming, it's called Man-Made-Climate-Change!  And if you don't agree with me and the thousands of other scientists that are saying that humans are causing all the cold, hot, wet, dry, quakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, fish deaths, bee deaths, bird deaths and everything else bad happening on planet earth....then you are just an ENEMY OF SCIENCE!!  You and your kind should probably be locked up for stupidity!!  All you DENIERS are exactly why this world is coming apart!!"

Have you seen the March 2015 issue of National Geographic yet?  It says in large letters; THE WAR ON SCIENCE.  And then in smaller letters it says; Climate Change Does Not Exist, Evolution Does Not Exist, The Moon Landing Was Fake, Vaccinations Can Lead to Autism, GMO Food is Evil.

Oh my goodness people!!  Do you see what is happening here?!?!  The liberal elites, most of whom are atheists, are taking people like me and you who question evolution and global warming and putting us in with the same group of folks who DENY THE MOON LANDING!!!

So what do we do??

Continue to pray that Jesus comes for His Bride.
Pray that we will stand up to the persecution coming.
Reconcile ourselves that the world is going to hate us even more in these Last Days.
Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as often as you can.
Do our best to live sober and clean lives while we await the Groom.

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