
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Muslim Imam Begins to Tell the Truth

Many have wondered why the so-called "moderate" Muslims haven't spoken out against all the radical Muslims.

It has been said that the radical Muslim will cut your head off while the moderate Muslim holds your legs down.

You will have to decide if that's true.

But there is one Imam in Brooklyn who is blasting other Muslim leaders for filling Muslim minds with hatred.

A Brooklyn imam blasts Islamic leaders, saying they have turned religious Muslims into ticking time bombs who hate Christians, Jews, atheists and everyone else.

This is a remarkable speech given by Tarek Yousef al-Masri, a Brooklyn imam, on January 9, 2015, in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

He explains that “Muslims of the religious sector” have become ticking time bombs, and he blasts the Islamic leaders who teach hate and violence.

“When a sinner repents, the first thing he does is make a bomb,” he states.

According to al-Masri, prominent religious figures in the Muslim world have distorted the Koran and instilled profound hatred in its followers. The result is that Muslims are contributing “nothing to human civilization,” he asserts with passion.

This video, presented by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), is 10 minutes long but well worth the time. If more imams would speak like this, perhaps they could set the foundation for peace.


We need to pray for the people who are trapped in the satanic lies of Islam.  Further, we need to pray for courageous Muslims (like this Imam) to stand up against those Muslims who are so willing to commit all of these unspeakable, heinous, barbaric acts.

Also, please remember that as much as we love the Jews and Israel, most of them are also lost in a fog and have not found Christ....which is also true of MOST Americans.

Our mission field is certainly the whole world....and most likely it starts with your next door neighbor or the person sitting next to you at work.

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