
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Radical Atheist Kills Three Muslims

When radical Muslims stormed a Kosher market in France and killed some Jews, Obama declared it was a "random act of violence on folks who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Please tell me you are kidding......

Nope.  He saw no connection between Muslims picking out Jews to gun down.

So I wonder what he will say about these Muslims gunned down in North Carolina?  Was it just a coincidence that they were all Muslims?  Or did the murderer have a beef with Muslims....just like the Muslims in France had a beef with Jews?

A radical atheist is in police custody after allegedly murdering three young Muslims in the North Carolina college town of Chapel Hill, media reports indicate.

According to the British newspaper the Independent, the three Muslims, who were all from the same family, were in their home when a 46-year-old man identified by police as Craig Stephen Hicks gunned them down.

The victims have been named as Deah Shaddy Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.

Barakat was a dental student at the University of North Carolina. According to the Independent, he had spent time as a volunteer giving free dental care to Palestinian children.

His Twitter account features posts about local sports as well as matters relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


A radical atheist?  Is that like a new classification of radicals?

Of course we have no idea if the murdered Muslims were wonderful, innocent, loving people just minding their own business....

When ever some dies, the people interviewed always say, "She was just so loving and kind!  She was just a great person and everyone liked her!"

Seldom do you hear, "He was a dork and a bastard.  I'm glad someone took him out as all he did was take up space."

Notice the last line of the article.  The murdered man had posts on social media relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


And he gave free dental care to Palestinian children....hmmmmm.....

I wonder if the murdered man was cursing Israel on his social media?

Friends, every single day HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF HUMAN SOULS leave this earth and head for their eternal destination.  Most of them are heading to eternal destruction.  Sadly, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say these three murdered Muslims are not with Jesus their Savior today....because they never accepted him as Savior.  Instead they hoped that Muhammad and Allah would save them....only to discover that those false gods only led them down the wide road to eternal destruction.

Sobering thoughts.  Let's be busy spreading the Good News that Jesus IS ETERNAL LIFE!

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