
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

California is Turning Back Into a Desert

My long time readers will know I have been watching the state of California for quite some time now.  We have openly wondered if "The Golden State" is going to be the place where God's judgment begins for our nation.

As you know by now, CA is suffering through the worst drought in the State's history.  America gets 40% of all its edible food from CA so if it turns back into a desert and doesn't rain for another 5-10 years....America WILL HAVE SOME SERIOUS PROBLEMS on many different fronts.

Once upon a time, much of the state of California was a barren desert.  And now, thanks to the worst drought in modern American history, much of the state is turning back into one.  Scientists tell us that the 20th century was the wettest century that the state of California had seen in 1000 years.  But now weather patterns are reverting back to historical norms, and California is rapidly running out of water.  It is being reported that the state only has approximately a one year supply of water left in the reservoirs, and when the water is all gone there are no contingency plans.  Back in early 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency for the entire state, but since that time water usage has only dropped by 9 percent.  That is not nearly enough.  The state of California has been losing more than 12 million acre-feet of total water a year since 2011, and we are quickly heading toward an extremely painful water crisis unlike anything that any of us have ever seen before.

But don’t take my word for it.  According to the Los Angeles Times, Jay Famiglietti “is the senior water scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech and a professor of Earth system science at UC Irvine”.  What he has to say about the horrific drought in California is extremely sobering…

"As our “wet” season draws to a close, it is clear that the paltry rain and snowfall have done almost nothing to alleviate epic drought conditions. January was the driest in California since record-keeping began in 1895. Groundwater and snowpack levels are at all-time lows. We’re not just up a creek without a paddle in California, we’re losing the creek too."

Nearly 40 million people live in the state of California at the moment.

What are they all going to do when the water is gone?

In some rural areas, reservoirs are already nearly bone dry.  And in other areas, the water quality has gone way down.  For example, in one Southern California neighborhood black water is now coming out of the taps…


Did you catch that??  The 20th Century was the wettest ever recorded in CA according to scientists!! The rain and snow that CA has received in the last hundred years is only an anomaly in the last 1000 years!!  It really is a massive desert where sometimes it doesn't rain for decades!!

Do you think it is interesting that some of the best preachers of our generation have been preaching in California?  Dr. Jeremiah, Pastor Greg Laurie, John MacArthur, Shane Idleman, just to name a few.

God ALWAYS sends warnings that judgment is coming UNLESS WE REPENT!  He sent the prophets to Israel and Judah before they were destroyed and hauled away...and now He has sent the best preachers to CA to warn people that judgment WILL COME unless they humble themselves and begin to fear The Lord.

California has been the symbol of The American Dream since people flocked there during the Great Depression.  As America turns from God and begins openly cursing Israel, one has to wonder if The American Nightmare is going to start in California?

Can you imagine what America will look like if 40,000,000 Californians have to abandon their homes because their toilets won't flush and their swimming pools are forced empty?  Can you imagine the unrest if 40% of our edible food vanishes?....and 40,000,000 people come back to the Midwest looking for a place to live, work and eat?

Lord, have mercy....

"Dennis, I'm so tired of you constantly pointing out the worst case scenarios!  Can't you just look at the stock market and enjoy that many of us are getting wealthy again as the market continues to set record highs?"

Yep!  That's EXACTLY what Jesus is concerned about....our wealth and happiness!!  (sarcasm)

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