
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How Long Did the Fetus Live?

I blogged about this a few days ago, but need to pay some more attention to this story because it continues to show how lost mankind can be when they throw away God's word.

This story continues on the Colorado woman who had her 7 month old baby cut out of her womb by a thief who wanted a baby!  The victim was lured to a home via a want ad advertising baby clothes.

The baby thief ran away with the baby and he husband said he saw the baby gasping for breath....but now that the baby has died the State of Colorado can't figure out if the baby thief can be charged with murder because they aren't sure if the baby was a human being or simply some a wart.

A Colorado district attorney’s office needs more time in determining whether the woman accused of cutting a fetus out of its mother, possibly killing the baby, will be charged with murder.

Dynel Lane, 34, was supposed to be charged Wednesday in the March 18 attack, but Boulder County district attorney spokeswoman Catherine Olguin said the office needs more time for its review.

“We are still waiting on the autopsy results and detectives' reports,” Olguin said.

The autopsy was conducted Friday, the Times-Call reported.

Lane was arrested the day of the assault at a hospital in Longmont, a Denver suburb, with a fetus she allegedly cut out of a woman whom she lured to her home with an online ad for baby clothes, Longmont police said. Lane told her husband and hospital staff she miscarried, police said.

The baby, seven months along, died. The mother, identified by police as 26-year-old Michelle Wilkins, underwent surgery and is expected to survive.

The day after Lane was arrested, Boulder County Dist. Atty. Stan Garnett told reporters his office must determine whether a murder charge is appropriate because the baby did not survive.

“Under Colorado law, essentially, there’s no way murder charges can be brought if it’s not established that the fetus lived as a child outside the body of the mother for some period of time,” Garnett told reporters March 19.

According to the criminal complaint, Lane’s husband, who was unaware of what his wife had done, told police the baby was alive when he saw it in the couple’s home.

“He rubbed the baby slightly, then rolled it over to hear and see it take a gasping breath,” according to the complaint.

Protesters gathered the day after Lane was arrested, saying the suspect should be charged with murder, the Daily Camera reported. 

"Murder is murder," said Renee Jacoby, who organized the rally, according to the Camera. "It doesn't matter how you look at it. ... It is a human being. It is murder."

Olguin said Tuesday nothing had been ruled out. 

“We are looking at all possible charges,” she said, declining to speculate further.


OH MY GOODNESS!!!  They aren't really sure it was a human being unless they can determine that the "fetus" lived as a child outside of the body for "some period of time".


Of course the pro-abortion/right to choose crowd is going to be watching this case closely....because if Colorado decides to call this 7 month old baby a "baby" and charge the thief with murder....then what would you call a 6 month old baby...or a 5 month old baby....?  And at what point will women who elect to have their baby cut to shreds and sucked out of their womb...when will they be guilty of murder?

The Bible says that God knew us before, during and after we were in our mother's womb.  We are human beings from the time of conception and the pro-abortion crowd is going to have a tough time holding their ground as doctors continue to save younger and younger babies.

Soon doctors will be able to take a 1 month old little baby and grow it to health in a incubator.  So clearly if the mother went to the incubator and twisted the baby's head off because she decided it was too inconvenient or too expensive...she would be charged with murder.  But if  instead she took the little baby from the incubator and inserted it back into her womb and drove to an abortion clinic to have it vacuumed out....she would be totally within her legal right to kill her baby.

Certainly we are in the days Isaiah warned of....when good will be called evil and evil will be called good.

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