
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Euro on Track for Worst Quarter...Ever!

Friends, I absolutely HAD to post this headline that appeared this morning front and center on Google News.  Check it out!!  It even includes the ... (dot, dot, dot) before the word "ever".

Euro on track for worst quarter…ever

The euro is seen clocking up its biggest quarterly decline at the end of March since its launch in 1999—and could fall even further over the coming months.

The currency, which is used by the 19 countries in the euro zone, continued to decline on Tuesday, reaching $1.0718. It has fallen over 11 percent against the U.S. dollar since the start of the year, putting it on track for its steepest-ever quarterly decline.

The currency's losses have been driven by the launch of the European Central (ECB)'s 1 trillion euro ($1.2 billion) quantitative easing program in March. Asset purchases by the ECB increase the supply of euros in the monetary system, pushing the currency's price lower.

But a weaker euro is not necessarily a bad thing. The central bank hopes that by keeping money "cheap" it will spur companies and individuals to spend and borrow more, spurring inflation from record lows. And a lower euro can also provide a boost to the region's exporters, as it makes their products cheaper on the global market.

The euro has also been hit by expectations that the Federal Reserve could soon raise U.S. interest rates from record lows, which have pushed up the dollar.

Given the euro's decline, pundits have been debating if—or when—it could reach parity with the U.S. dollar. This last occurred in 2002, and before that in 1999, at the launch of the euro.


There can be no doubt that the paper-money and fiat currency which has now taken over the entire world is a wobbly tower.  The U.S. financial markets are choppy and seem to be given over to wild fluctuations, the oil market fell to a level that we thought we would NEVER see again, the Central Bankers of the world are waving their magic wands and casting spells hoping their con-game doesn't get discovered and the European Union may be in the very process of coming apart.

"But Dennis, this is the way things ALWAYS have been!  The more things change the more they stay the same!"

Sorry, but your'e wrong.  We are living for the first time in HUMAN HISTORY where information travels around the globe at the speed of light and currency, wealth and confidence can flow in and out of a country at the speed of light.

Indulge me on this point for a few more moments...think about it....100 years ago if you were planting wheat in ND pulling a drill behind your horse and a bomb went off at the headquarters of Nestle Foods in Switzerland....what would that mean to you in ND?

Well first off it would be some weeks before a ship would arrive in America to tell someone and then it may be weeks before the news reaches you in ND...and then take weeks more if you actually decided to act on that information.

Today the same farmer is sitting in his tractor planting wheat and his SmartPhone goes off and tells him a bomb went off at Nestle Foods 30 seconds ago.  Without getting off his tractor he goes to his E*Trade account and sells all the stock he owns in Nestle...and within seconds of the bomb going off the capital is beginning to leave the company and their stock begins an emotional slide.

So clearly we are living in times that have NEVER been possible until recent years.  And while it can be great to have this information flow....the Bible says a day is coming when the financial markets will be destroyed in an hour...

"In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!"  Revelation 18:17

Up until a few years ago, Bible pundits couldn't figure out how that could be we know how it could the speed of light.

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