
Thursday, April 2, 2015

California Restricts Water Statewide for First Time EVER

If God doesn't send the rain to California really soon, the entire United States could start to feel it.  I don't need to remind any of my regular readers that 40% of USA food source comes from CA.  I also don't need to remind you of the unrest and disruption that would happen in the USA if 60,000,000 folks from out west end up needing to relocate someplace where the toilets still flush.

In a historic move, California is ordering water use to be slashed by 25 percent across the state to deal with a drought that just won't quit.

With more than 98 percent of the state suffering from a drought that has stretched into its fourth year, Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order from the mostly snow-bare Phillips Station in the Sierra Nevada mountains -- an area that would usually have snow pack more than 66 inches deep at this time of year.

"Today we are standing on dry grass where there should be five feet of snow. This historic drought demands unprecedented action," Brown said in a statement. "Therefore, I'm issuing an executive order mandating substantial water reductions across our state. As Californians, we must pull together and save water in every way possible."

Similar measures were considered during California's 1970s drought but were never implemented, according to the governor's office.

Brown announced the emergency measures at one of the regular surveys researchers take of the snow pack at what in wetter, colder times is a popular ski destination. Snow built up over the winter provides an important measure of the amount of water that will be available for California's taps and irrigation systems in the months to come.

Even before the governor's order on Wednesday, that supply wasn't looking good. Statewide, snow surveys were at about 5 percent of their average for the start of April, according to the California Department of Water Resources.

"This year looks like the lowest snow pack on record going back 70-plus years for many snow courses," Frank Gehrke, chief of snow surveys with the CDWR, told NBC News last week. Gehrke also conducted the measurement on Wednesday. "And that has very severe ramifications for what's going to flow into the reservoirs come next spring and summer."

The state has been instituting increasingly urgent steps to combat the drought. Gov. Brown declared a state of emergency more than a year ago, saying that "the magnitude of the severe drought conditions presents threats beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of any single local government and require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat." Late last month, he signed emergency legislation to fast-track $1 billion for drought relief and water conservation projects.


Where is the porn capital of the world?  California.
Where is the godless movie capital of Hollywood?  California
Where is the center of the hedonistic pursuit of"The American Dream"?  California
Where do millions of atheist-liberals live?  California
Where is the gay-capital of the world?  California

Where has God placed some of the best preachers of our entire generation to preach repentance and salvation through Christ alone?  California.

If America is under a curse because we are shunning God and beginning to openly curse Israel, where might we expect that curse to start?  California.

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