
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Here is Your "Diversity Moment" For the Day

"All paths lead to God."

"We can learn great things from all religions."

"Love and sex go hand in hand no matter who you love!"

"No religion has a corner on truth."

"Love doesn't care whether you are male or female."

Now watch this super short video for your warm fuzzy of "DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION"!

I was disappointed that they didn't include INTER-SPECIES lovers.  I'm quite sure the man we posted about who has a horse for a lover is feeling very excluded and NOT included.  Excluding anybody in an INCLUSION video seems....intolerant.

I wonder if the makers of this video are specio-phobic?

Also notice the Jew and the Muslim they show hugging each other?  I wonder if this video is going to have numerous Muslim leaders call for the death of that Muslim hugging a Jew in such a public setting?

"Dennis, can't you just watch the video and celebrate the good feelings it gives us??  Why are you such a downer?"

Maybe because Jesus told us;  WIDE IS THE ROAD THAT LEADS TO DESTRUCTION AND MANY WILL BE ON IT....and I see all these people in the video and wonder if their smiling faces are all on the wide road leading to hell?

It's not a very pleasant thought....

Hat tip to Mick L.

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