
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pelosi and Democrats are "Furious" Over Netanyahu Speech

Israel is on the front page of the WSJ again today...this time with a picture of Netanyahu shaking hands with Speaker John Bohener.

Of course 50 Democrats skipped the speech and some who were in attendance were burning in their chairs as Netanyahu addressed Congress.

Pelosi, Democrats furious over Netanyahu 'condescension'

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi politely stood and clapped when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered the House chamber for his long-awaited, and highly controversial, speech to Congress. The longer he spoke, the less enthusiastic she got.

At one point, when Netanyahu suggested his nation's relationship with the United States should be above politics, Pelosi looked at her lap and shook her head. When he declared that, "if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand," Pelosi threw her hands up in exasperation. More than once, she turned to her deputy, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, and appeared to vent. And even before Netanyahu had begun his ascent up the center aisle toward the exit, Pelosi pivoted and headed out a different door and into the Democratic cloakroom.

"I was near tears throughout the prime minister's speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States," she fumed in a statement afterward, adding that she didn't appreciate "the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation."

Pelosi's was the highest-profile sign that Netanyahu had inflamed his relationship with some congressional Democrats with his address to Congress, a 39-minute warning that Obama's negotiations on limiting Iran's nuclear capability would all but guarantee that Tehran gets nuclear weapons. Even as he spoke, the Obama administration pressed on with those talks, and the president dismissed Netanyahu's speech by noting that "foreign policy runs through the executive branch and the president, not through other channels."

More than four dozen Democrats skipped the speech altogether, offended by an array of developments before they even got to the policy substance of the speech itself.

But Cohen and 11 other House Democrats later expounded on their multiple frustrations with the speech, including the substance. His statement about Israel standing alone particularly chafed.

"I think that's delusional," said Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., who skipped the speech. "The notion somehow that he thinks that Israel can just bull through this on their own against the world ... Israelis don't believe that."

"What I heard today felt to me like an effort to stampede the United States into war once again," said Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., who also skipped the speech.

Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., said the speech was "straight out of the Dick Cheney playbook — fearmongering at its worst."


Let me re-paste the statement that really bugged the Dems;  His statement about Israel standing alone particularly chafed.

Hmmmm....let's think here....what does the Bible say about Israel one day standing alone?  It says that Israel WILL be standing alone with only God to stand for them.  The nations will be gathered against her.

So why isn't America around to stand with her anymore?  Well she either collapsed after the Rapture or she imploded because of financial mismanagement or she imploded because of moral depravity....either way, Israel will be all alone and America will not rise up to defend her.

The fact that Netanyahu chose to say that Israel WILL ACT ALONE if it needs to....seems very prophetic.

Also the fact that Israel has turned into a politicized nation is simply amazing.

Why did the Democrats chose to boycott the speech?

Why do the Democrats tend to be anti-Israel more than Conservatives?

Well...think about it....   WHICH PARTY would tend to be more God-fearing?...liberals or conservatives?

Yep.  Conservatives.

Which party has more atheists, agnostics, scoffers and God-doubters?  Liberals or conservatives?

Yep. Liberals.

Which party is filled with pro-abortionists and pro-gay marriage proponents?

Yep. Democrats.

Just a very quick study can explain why Democrats tend to be more anti-Israel....because Democrats are more likely to fall under the spell of the Prince of This Earth, (Satan) because they are more likely to have NO FEAR OF THE LORD.

"The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom."...and atheist, liberals who have no fear also have no they simply can't discern anything.

"Dennis, you sound so DOGMATIC!!  I've known lots of wonderful Democrats who love Jesus Christ!"

Really?  Do they support abortion and gay marriage?

"Why, yes they do!  What does that have to do with anything?"

Really?  Do they deny the inerrancy of scripture in its original language and scoff at Jesus being the ONLY WAY?

"Well, they certainly like the Bible even if they never read it....but they are still wonderful, kind people!  They have done lots of good things for the poor and marginalized....just like Jesus!"

"Depart from me!  I don't know you." said Jesus.

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