
Thursday, March 5, 2015

NYC Schools Closing for Muslim Holidays

Beautiful!!  This nation, formed under Judeo-Christian values, it's Constitution acknowledging the God of the Bible and carving Bible images all over its capital in Washington, D.C. is now going to bend over backwards to start appeasing the wishes of Muslims.

NYC public schools to close on 2 Muslim holidays

NEW YORK (AP) — The nation's largest public school system will observe the two most important Muslim holidays starting next fall, a policy change hailed Wednesday by Islamic leaders in New York City.

Under the new policy, the city's 1.1 million-pupil public school system will close on Sept. 24 for Eid al-Adha, which is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice. The holiday of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, will be observed during summer school in 2016.

"Hundreds of thousands of Muslim families will no longer have to choose between honoring the most sacred days on their calendar or attending school," Mayor Bill de Blasio said in his announcement.

Muslim leaders welcomed the announcement.

"After years of advocating by New York City's Muslim community, Muslim public school students will finally and thankfully no longer be penalized for observing their religious holidays," said Zead Ramadan, a board member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg opposed making the change but de Blasio and the other major candidates who campaigned to succeed Bloomberg in 2013 all said they would implement it.

The new calendar will keep the total number of school days unchanged at 182: the state-mandated 180 plus two more in case there are snow days.

New York City public schools have long closed for major Jewish holidays such as Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur as well as the Christian holidays of Christmas and Good Friday.

Other public school systems that have moved recently to observe Muslim holidays include those in Waterbury, Connecticut and Frederick County, Maryland.


"But Dennis, they close schools for Christian and Jewish Holidays which are two out of three "Great faiths" spoken of by almost everyone...the third great faith is why not give them equal time?  Its the tolerant and inclusive thing to do!"

Yep.  Discernment is dead, and I seriously doubt that it can be resurrected here in America.

The center of Christianity has shifted away from America to places like China and the African continent.

Just as the Israelites following Moses into the desert choked on the meat that they grumbled for....America will one day choke to death on all of our "blessings" because we have totally forgotten from WHOM all blessings flow.

Sing the dinner prayer with me now, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow...Praise Him all creatures here below...Praise Him above you heavenly host....Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen!"

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