
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Netanyahu Speech Well Received in Saudi Arabia?

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was in tears during Netanyahu's speech.  She said the tears were because she was so outraged that he was condescending and speaking to them like they were not too bright.

So here in America, Israel seems to be starting to slide down party lines...Dems are turning against them and Repubs are in full support and realize they are the ONLY nation in the Middle East remain a trusted ally.

But who could have seen this coming??

Netanyahu's Iran speech gains tacit support in Saudi Arabia

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's fiery speech this week before the U.S. Congress, in which he argued against an emerging nuclear deal with Iran, has received tacit support from an unlikely quarter -- Saudi Arabia.

The oil-rich Sunni kingdom views Shiite Iran as a regional rival that is perhaps even more menacing than Israel.

That was clear in a string of columns this week published in Saudi state-linked media, which is widely seen as reflecting official views and mainstream thought in the kingdom, and which voiced skepticism of President Barack Obama's efforts to broker a landmark nuclear agreement with Tehran.

"Who could believe that Netanyahu today has taken a better stand than Obama with regard to the Iranian nuclear file?" columnist Ahmed al-Faraj wrote in the Saudi-owned al-Jazira newspaper on Monday, a day before the speech.

On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was in the Saudi capital to ease Gulf concerns about the negotiations with Iran, which are aimed at reaching a framework agreement this month and a final deal later this year. Kerry is meeting with the foreign ministers of the Sunni-ruled Gulf states and the new Saudi monarch King Salman.

Like Israel, Saudi Arabia has long viewed Iran as an expansionist power that seeks to dominate the region through local proxies, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip and Shiite militias in Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a proxy war in Syria, with the kingdom arming the rebels seeking to topple Iranian-backed President Bashar Assad.

In a column published in Asharq al-Awsat, a daily owned by King Salman's family, Abdulrahman al-Rashed wrote "Iran's fingerprints are everywhere."

"Iran is currently in an offensive state, the likes of which we have not seen in modern history," he wrote.

Netanyahu said as much to Congress, telling lawmakers that Iran is "gobbling up" nations in its "march of conquest, subjugation and terror."


So...let's review....Egypt and Saudi Arabia now side with Israel more than they do the USA...and Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel all wonder what the heck Team Obama is up to?  They simply can't make sense of why a guy would harpoon his friends while inviting Muslim Brotherhood supporters into the White House.

Saudi Arabia liked Netanyahu's speech to Congress more than Pelosi and 50 other Democrats who refused to even attend the speech!

Up is down, down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right.

Release the flying pig!!

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