
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Netanyahu May Be Understanding What Esther is Saying

For those of us who read our Bibles, we read Ezekiel 38 and we see daily headlines that involve Russia, Iran, Turkey and Israel.  These are the four main players in this yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecy.

So is Netanyahu reading his Bible?  Does he read Ezekiel and wonder if he isn't the man who has been put in place for a TIME SUCH AS THIS?

U.N. Special Envoy: Netanyahu Recognizes Signs Of Times

A U.N. special envoy says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Tuesday made clear he is thinking in “scriptural terms” and believes himself to be called to protect his people at this critical time.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, who was named special envoy for Middle Eastern affairs to the World Council of Independent Christian Churches for her expertise on Middle East affairs and Jewish-Christian relations, said Christians need to think of their own actions in the same terms.

In an interview with WND after Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress, Cardoza-Moore observed: “The prime minister spoke about the long history of the Jewish people over 4,000 years. He understands that he has been called at this hour for a time such as this.

“That’s also why he referenced the presence of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel in the chamber. Prime Minister Netanyahu understands that the threat of a nuclear armed Iran today is the same kind of threat as the threat to Israel that existed seventy years ago.”

She described the mood in Congress as “sobering,” as lawmakers “hung on every word that Prime Minister Netanyahu said.”

She noted that several people complained to her that United States was stuck with Barack Obama while Israel was led by Netanyahu, whom Cardoza-Moore called “the Churchill of our age.”

Pamela Geller, author of “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” agreed with Cardoza-Moore’s assessment of Netanyahu’s address.

Geller told WND, “Netanyahu’s speech was statesmanlike and magisterial – powerful, straightforward and scary. He was in complete command. Obama should be learning from him, but instead he petulantly vowed not to watch.”

WND reported Netanyahu warned America that a bad deal with Iran would only pave the way for the rogue nation to get a nuclear weapon, and talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh described Netanyahu’s speech as a “direct punch” at Obama.

Geller said Netanyahu was “interrupted 40 times with cheers and standing ovations, and with good reason.”

“Despite Islamic and leftist efforts to compel congressmen to boycott the speech, the Congress was packed,” she noted. “So once again, Obama and the Democrats are on the wrong side of history. Worse still, the Democrats viciously and petulantly attacked Netanyahu after the speech. They hit bottom and keep digging, knowing that the ‘enemedia’ will cover for them.”

Read more at:

It's hard NOT to think of the Book of Esther as you read this.  Remember, Esther was a Jewess living in Persia (Iran) when Haman the Persian devised a plan to kill all the Jews in Persia.

Esther 4
12 When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, 13 he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Netanyahu may have read this very passage and realized that he COULD NOT KEEP SILENT AT THIS TIME and decided to speak to all who would listen...even if many Democrats and Team Obama refused.

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