Monday, March 30, 2015

Indiana Signs Law

The LGBT mafia is coming after Indiana after the Governor there signed the "religious freedom" law.

I believe the lawmakers there were trying to insert some protection for churches who refuse to marry gay people.  I also believe they were trying to offer some protection to private businesses to refuse certain customers.  I'm guessing this had something to do with the bakery owners from Oregon who refused to participate in a gay wedding celebration and the business has since had to shut down.

Within minutes the LGBT mafia was calling for boycotts of the state and some businesses announced they would start to put their business someplace else besides Indiana...and today the backlash continues.

Indiana's top two Republican legislators will push for an update to the state's controversial "religious freedom" law, the pair said at a news conference today following a wave of national backlash to the state's newest law.

"Hopefully by doing this we'll put the whole issue to rest," Indiana Senate President Pro Tem David Long told reporters at the State Capitol.

Major corporations, athletes, celebrities and gay-rights activists have lambasted the state's legislature and governor for enacting Senate Bill 101, a "religious freedom" law that states government must clear a higher threshold when enforcing laws that contradict citizens' or corporations' religious beliefs.

Both socially conservative advocates of the bill and pro-gay-rights opponents have said the bill could allow businesses to deny services to gays and lesbians based on their sexual preference. A Christian wedding photographer, for instance, could refuse to photograph a gay wedding by claiming it violated his or her religious beliefs, activists on both sides have said.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed the bill last week, stating in a press conference after he signed it that the law was not meant to promote discrimination.

Indiana State House Speaker Brian Bosma today clarified that the bill was not intended to do that. Bosma called it a "misconception" that the law "allows the denial of services to any Hoosier. It doesn't do that."

Bosma and Long said they will "encourage" their legislative colleagues to pass an update to the bill in the four remaining weeks of their legislative session to specifically address that issue, saying both sides -- supporters and critics alike -- have mischaracterized what the bill would mean for gays and lesbians.

That question has been unclear since Pence signed it into law. In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, Pence repeatedly dodged specific questions on whether the bill could mean denial of services for gays and lesbians, if companies claimed religious grounds for doing so. Pence repeatedly stated the bill was not about discrimination and had been mischaracterized.

Long and Bosma criticized Pence and said his ABC interview prompted them to call the press conference.

Pence "did not answer questions clearly" in that interview, Bosma said. Pointing to their interpretation that the law will not mean denial of services, Long said, of Pence, "It would've been helpful if he said that yesterday."

Major groups and corporations from Apple to Angie's List to the NCAA and the NBA have released statements expressing a range of "concern" and condemnation of the law. Social conservatives like Bob Vander Plaats of the influential Iowa-based group FAMiLY Leader have praised Pence and the law.

The fallout over SB 101 also hangs over the 2016 presidential race, as Pence has said he's considering a run for the GOP nomination and will reportedly finalize his decision sometime this spring.

Similar laws are on the books in other states, including neighboring Illinois. A similar federal law was signed by president Bill Clinton.


I was on Twitter when this all started going off and the liberal/atheists immediately started showing photos of black people sitting at lunch counters in Selma, AL back in the 1960's and comparing the LGBT fight to that of black people.

So I tried to respond with logic to some of these photos....AND I GOT RIPPED TO SHREDS!!

It was actually good reminded me of a time we had a raccoon caught in a catch-alive trap and if you came too close it would snarl like a mountain lion and snap at you!

I tried to explain to them that being black is a physical trait and was easily seen by all people and easily discriminated against.  I reminded them that no black people have EVER had to "come out of the closet" and explain to their parents, family and friends that they are black....because we can SEE they are black.

LGBT folks, on the other hand, can't be readily seen.  They can ONLY be identified by their I tried to make that logical point and suggested they come up with another analogy instead of hijacking the Civil Rights Movement.

I never used foul language and never threw derogatory terms at the atheist/liberals I was engaging...but they almost immediately started throwing them at me.  A..hole and were favorites used by my debate opponents.

Friends, I believe that America is too far gone and it will soon become impossible to elect a Christian to any national office.  What will be the litmus test?  "Do you support gay marriage...yes or no?"  If the candidate says "no" that he believes marriage is a word used ONLY to describe the union between one man and one woman....he will be immediately silenced by the LGBT mafia and the death threats (yes, there are many) will start coming his way immediately.

One Twitter user put up a chart that offered 10 similarities between Christian Bible believers and ISIS.  He said in the caption that it is getting harder and harder to tell the difference between Christians and ISIS.  He had lots of supporters giving him the THUMBS UP on that comment.

Jesus said that the world will hate us because it hated Him first.  But I am simply amazed at how quickly the hatred of Christ-followers have come to America.  To me this is simply more evidence that Satan and his minions are behind the perversion that is LGBT.


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