
Friday, March 27, 2015

Is Obama Going to Divorce Israel?

Bible readers know that the entire Bible centers around the story and nation of Israel.  God made an eternal covenant with them and after the Rapture of the church the 70th week of years (read Daniel) will commence when the Antichrist signs a 7 year peace treaty with Israel that offers them protection from her enemies.

People who don't know their Bibles look at the tiny nation of Israel and it's 7 million people and say, "What they heck do they have to do with anything?  Who cares??  Give the Palestinians a nation and take the land from Israel if that's what USA tells them to do."

Sadly, there is ZERO evidence that Team Obama reads, understands and believes their Bibles.

Because of this, USA will suffer.

God is clear that all the nations of the world will one day be judged for HOW they treated Israel and HOW they attempted to divide up God's Promised Land.

The Nations Judged
3 “In those days and at that time,
    when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
2 I will gather all nations
    and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will put them on trial
    for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,
because they scattered my people among the nations
    and divided up my land.

Today we find evidence that Team Obama is not only going to continue putting pressure on Israel, but they may be getting ready to divorce her from the special relationship we have had as nations.

(Central Israel) -- Is a divorce coming between the President of the United States and the State of Israel?

Once, it would have been almost preposterous even to ask such a question. Today, however, it feels like it's a matter of "when," not "if" Mr. Obama will formally abandon American support for the Jewish State. And the situation is rapidly going from bad to worse.

Readers of this blog may recall that I posted this column on January 14, 2015: "Will President Obama abandon or fully turn against Israel in last two years in office, amidst ISIS & Iran threats? Exclusive poll results." According an exclusive poll I commissioned late last year, a remarkable 47.4% of Americans fear the President will turn against Israel soon given that he won't ever face the voters again. I suspect the number would be much higher today

For an American President, or Congress, or the American people to turn against Israel and the Jewish people would be more than bad policy or unfortunate politics. According to Bible prophecy, such moves would pose an existential threat to the future of the United States.

In Genesis 12:1-3, the Lord God vows that He will bless those who bless Israel and the Jewish people, and curse those who curse them. 

In Joel 3:2, the Lord God warns that He will bring into judgment "all the nations" who "divide My land," the Land of Israel. 

In Ezekiel 38-39, the Lord God warns that a group of nations led by Russia (Magog) and Iran (Persia) will form an alliance and attack Israel in the “last days,” andthat no nation will come to Israel’s defense -- indeed, Israel will be abandoned by all of its friends and allies when this terrible moment occurs. 

What's more, in Revelation 16, the Lord God warns that all nations will not simply abandon Israel but will eventually actively turn violent towards Israel and attack Israel and the Jewish people in the End of Days (the Battle of Har Meggido, the Mountain of Meggido, also known as the Battle of Armageddon). 

As noted at the NRB Convention, "the Bible teaches us that all nations will turn against Israel in the last days — and all nations will face judgment for it — but woe into us if it happens on our watch."

Have we come to that fateful moment? Not quite yet, but we are getting dangerously close. Even though 70% of Americans support Israel, we are watching the President:
negotiate an incredibly dangerous nuclear deal with Iran 
refuse to share the precise details of this deal with Israel, America’s most faithful and trusted ally in the region 
treat the Israeli Prime Minister nearly as persona non grata 
send the VP and Secretary of State out of country to avoid seeing the Prime Minister 
send his political strategists and operatives to defeat the Prime Minister and his party in Israel’s recent elections 
seem to threaten revenge because the PM won reelection 
threaten to abandon Israel at the UN and allow anti-Israel resolutions to pass without an American veto 
threaten to force Israel to divide Jerusalem and roll back to her pre-1967 borders or face severe international consequences 
and now declassify details of Israel's top secret nuclear program in what is being described as an "unprecedented move" 

The above was taken from an email received from author, Joel Rosenberg.

Clearly, Obama believes he has the upper hand and the power to dictate to Israel what they WILL DO.

Clearly, Obama has no clue that he is wading into VERY dangerous territory when he believes HIS nation is more important than God's nation, Israel.

Please continue to pray for Team Obama and this nation.  Pray that Jesus Christ would intervene in Obama's life and remove the scales from his eyes.

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