
Friday, March 27, 2015

No Murder Charge in Colorado Dead Baby Case

This will be our 3rd posting on this case but we believe it is worth it because it exposes how LOST the liberal world is and how deluded they can become without the fear of The Lord.

Death of baby cut from womb doesn't lead to murder charge

DENVER (AP) - A Colorado woman accused of cutting the unborn baby from an expectant mother's belly will not face murder charges in the gruesome attack that revived the highly charged debate over when a fetus can legally be considered a human being.

Prosecutors did not explain the decision Thursday or reveal what charges will be filed in the attack that killed the unborn baby girl. The mother, who was about eight months pregnant, survived and left the hospital Wednesday.

Dynel Lane, 34, lured Michelle Wilkins, 26, to her home March 18 with an ad on Craigslist selling baby clothes, investigators say. Inside, Lane stabbed Wilkins and removed the child, police say.

Lane had told her family she was pregnant, and when her husband came home early from work to meet her for a prenatal appointment, he found the infant in a bathtub, authorities said. Lane said she had a miscarriage, and he took them to the hospital, where the baby was pronounced dead.

Catherine Olguin, a spokeswoman for the Boulder County District Attorney's Office, said Thursday night that prosecutors won't bring a murder charge in the baby's death.

District Attorney Stan Garnett plans to give out more information Friday, and the coroner's office is expected to release the findings of an autopsy performed on the baby.

The case renewed the nationwide debate over bringing murder charges in the violent deaths of unborn children.

Even though the baby girl died, legal experts say the case is complicated by the fact that Colorado is one of 12 states that do not have a fetal homicide law. State lawmakers in 2013 voted down such a measure over fears it would interfere with abortion rights, and voters overwhelmingly agreed when they rejected a similar ballot measure in 2014.

Colorado legislators did pass a measure that makes it a felony to violently cause the death of a mother's fetus. The maximum punishment under that provision is 32 years in prison, whereas a person convicted of homicide in Colorado could face the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Advocates say the attack shows the need for a fetal homicide law.

Legal experts say a person can still be charged with homicide for an unborn child's death under existing Colorado law if the baby was alive outside the mother's body and the act that led to the death also occurred there.


Did you catch this sentence?  "Prosecutors did not explain the decision Thursday..."

The reason they didn't explain it is because there is NO LOGICAL explanation.  A healthy, happy baby was just sleeping in its mother's womb waiting for God to determine the day he would enter the world...when a woman ripped him out of the womb and violence which led to his untimely death.  It is murder...and unless this woman repents to Jesus for this murder, she will be held eternally responsible.

Of course Bible readers know why prosecutors didn't explain the decision....because they are terrified that this case will wake up too many people to the fact that abortion has many similarities to the above murder case.

A healthy, happy baby is just sleeping in its mother's womb waiting for the God to determine the day he will enter the world, when a doctor reaches a scissors and forceps up into the womb and cuts the baby into pieces before dragging it's limbs, head and torso out through the birth canal.  Of course this violence also led to the baby's untimely death.

Murder is murder because God says so.  It doesn't matter what man has made legal.

Did you know it was legal to murder Jews in Germany during the Holocaust?
Did you know it is legal to marry and have sex with 10 year old girls in Yemen?
Did you know it is legal to stone your wife to death in Somalia if she dishonors her husband?
Did you know it is legal in ISIS held territories to shoot a woman in the head if it's not covered?
Did you know it was legal in Rome to set babies outside for dogs to eat if you didn't want them?
Did you know it is legal to rip babies out of wombs in America if the mother doesn't want them?

As we said earlier....the blood of 50,000,000 murdered babies are screaming to their Creator..."Justice!!!"

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