
Monday, March 23, 2015

It's High Time to Audit the Federal Reserve

The Bible tells of a time in the future when the entire global financial system seems to vanish in a very short amount of time.  Happy for us, this event happens AFTER the Rapture so we need not concern ourselves with this.  (read Revelation again)

The Bible also tells us that a time is coming when the Antichrist will end up controlling some vast part of the global economy and that every person who wants to participate in it will need a mark on his hand or forehead to buy or sell anything.  This also happens after the Rapture so we don't need to fret this event either.

What we should be watching for is the conditions to be right for a meltdown of our current fiat currency system.  We know this has to disappear so the Antichrist can set up his new one...but HOW could that all happen?

Well, please remember that "fiat currency" means that the government is using paper and promises as a foundation that everything stands on.  This is all based on confidence in the issuer (government) of the paper promises...and if that confidence every collapses those $20 bills in your wallet might not be worth the paper they they are printed on.

"But Dennis...that could NEVER happen!  This is America!  We are the greatest country to ever exist! Our dollar has NEVER been stronger!  We are stronger now than we were before the crash of 2008!  Have you even seen our incredible stock market lately!  We rebuilt it all back to new highs!"

Blah, blah...yeah, I know.

Do you have any idea who actually runs the Federal Reserve?  Is it Congress?  Nope.  Is it Obama? Nope.  Is it the U.S. Treasury?  Nope.  So who are these people who have all this incredible power to move around $trillions by electronically pushing $$ signs on their computers?'s complicated....and I'm not really sure you WANT to know.  Now please, just go back to your Arizona vacation and board your cruise ship...because auditing the Federal Reserve could end up showing us something that we really don't want to see.

The calls in Washington to “audit” the Federal Reserve are not for a narrow, bean-counting review of the institution’s financial statements. The audit’s goal is more fundamental: to assure that the checks and balances in a democratic government also apply to central bankers. It means figuring out how our elected representatives can effectively oversee unelected monetary “experts.”

History shows that these so-called experts are prone to destructive inflationary and deflationary blunders, and that the Fed’s actions over the last century represent the greatest systemic risk of any financial organization in the world. These actions include the runaway inflation after World War I and the overreaction leading to the depression of 1921; the failure to liquefy the banking crisis of the 1930s; setting off the internationally disastrous great inflation of the 1970s; and more recently stoking a housing bubble while failing to recognize that it was a bubble.

The Federal Reserve, established in 1913, was a prime example of the dream-world that President Woodrow Wilson imported from the theorists of the German Empire—the notion of government based on the superior knowledge of independent experts that bypasses the messy and undisciplined world of democratic politics. The fatal flaw? The Fed has no superior economic knowledge. It has only forecasts as unreliable as everybody else’s, and theories as debatable. Hence its many mistakes.

Since the Great Recession ended the Fed has been in overdrive. It is running an unprecedented, giant monetary experiment. This experiment includes years of negative real interest rates, the creation of a huge asset-price inflation, and the monetization of real-estate mortgages and long-term bonds. Should the Fed, or anybody, be allowed to carry out such vast and very risky experiments without effective supervision? The correct answer is: no.

Opponents say an audit would threaten the Fed’s “independence.” That’s precisely why it’s necessary. The promoters of Fed independence, which of course include the Fed itself, must believe that the Fed is competent to have the unchecked power of manipulating money and credit, or in a grandiose variation, of “managing the economy.” They must believe that the Fed knows what the results of its manipulations will be, when manifestly it does not. The century-long record of the Fed provides no evidence that the Fed is competent to be entrusted with this enormous discretionary power.


What???????  Can this be true???....."It is running an unprecedented, giant monetary experiment."

You mean our entire wealth storage system is just a big experiment?  You mean the money I have worked my whole life for that is sitting in the bank is just an experiment??  Do you mean that I can't have complete confidence that I will soon be able to take that experimental money I have amassed and use it to move to AZ so I can read romance novels by the swimming pool in Scottsdale while I have Pedro bring me cold drinks all afternoon??

The Bible says that ONLY the unseen things are real....all of the thing we can see today will one day totally vanish.

The Bible also warns that we can ONLY have confidence in Jesus Christ as our savior.  NOTHING can snatch us from His hand.  Everything else in this world will soon vanish or we will leave it behind when we take our last breath.

So pay attention to this whole AUDIT THE FED call that has been rumbling around Washington....because one day (maybe soon) the Wizard of Oz is going to be revealed by a little dog named Toto...and the great and powerful FED will have the mask removed and the whole world will see it's just some MBA's pulling levers that they really don't understand.

That will be the end of a truly amazing experiment.

Where is YOUR confidence these days?

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