
Friday, March 20, 2015

Blood Was Running Like a River

Angry Muslims hell-bent on destabilizing the entire world for their god, Allah, have struck again...this time in Yemen.

The Bible tells us that during the final battle of Armageddon that the blood will flow like a river and will be deep enough to be up to a horse's bridal...about 4 feet deep.  For this reason the headline below was prophetically interesting.

Yemen mosque bombings: 'Blood was running like a river', say surivivors after attack kills 120

Outside the mosques, those standing near the first blasts were killed instantly, their charred corpses barely recognisable. Inside was a glut of death and mutilated bodies.

Blood ran “like a river” among the dead and dying, said survivors. By last night more than 120 people had been declared dead and hundreds more critically wounded. The death toll, authorities said, was certain to rise.

At midday yesterday, many members of the Zaidi Shia sect had gone to pray in two mosques in Sanaa, Yemen’s capital. Among them were many of Houthi militia that has seized power in Yemen. The white walls, low ceilings and crimson red carpets of the Badr and al-Hashoosh mosques were a scene of relative calm. Then four suicide bombers launched their attack.

In the hospitals of Sanaa the bodies lay in corridors last night – the dead next to the barely living. Among them were many children. After the blasts the wounded were loaded on the back of pick-up trucks, limbs missing, arms and legs entwined. Confirmed dead by Houthi-owned television and Al Jazeera included the imam of the Badr mosque, prominent Houthi cleric Al-Murtada bin Zayd al-Mahatwari.

Quick to claim credit for the attack was the claimed Yemeni branch of Isis, although analysts suggested that should be treated with scepticism.

Two senior Houthi leaders, both members of the Zaidi Shia sect and named as Taha al-Mutawakkil and Khalid Madani, were reported to have been seriously wounded. “Dozens of people have been injured or killed. We will understand the exact numbers of [the] dead and wounded soon. These are two very central and commonly used mosques,” the editor-in-chief of the Yemen Post newspaper, Hakim Almasmari, told reporters.

Each of the mosques appears to have been attacked by two suicide bombers. One bomber at the Badr mosque was caught by militia guards searching worshippers at the entrance, who detonated his device at the outside gates. Amid the ensuing panic, a second bomber entered the mosque detonating his device in the crowds, according to the official news agency SABA.

Another pair of suicide bombers attacked the al-Hashoosh mosque, according to the state news agency. “The heads, legs and arms of the dead people were scattered on the floor of the mosque,” Mohammed al-Ansi said. “Blood was running like a river.” He described running for the exit and hearing a man scream: “Come back, save the injured.”

Another survivor from the Badr mosque, Ahmed al-Gabri, said: “I fell on the ground and when I regained conscious I found myself sleeping on a lake of blood.”


Blood is a big deal in the Bible.  It is literally mentioned hundreds of times.  God tells us that "the life is in the blood".  He also warns that those of us who shed human blood in murder will also have our own blood shed.  He also tells us that blood needs to be shed for the atonement of sin....which leads us to the climax of Jesus shedding His perfect blood, once and for all, for the forgiveness of all our sin....whoever puts their faith in Him.

Satan knows the Bible.  He knows God's decrees and he wants to shed as much human blood as possible.

Currently he is using the perverted religion of Islam to make the blood flow like a river where ever he can.

There is NO COUNTRY ON EARTH immune from Satan making the blood flow like a river...but fear not!...because God has him on a short leash and we know how his story ends.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that this happened the day of the solar eclipse, which is a warning to the world.
