
Friday, March 20, 2015

Murdered Baby Has Liberals Thoroughly Confused

In yet another sign of how brutal we have become, there is a story coming out of Colorado of a woman who cut the baby out of another woman in hopes she could keep the baby!  Of course the 8 month old baby died and now the liberals in Colorado are very confused on how they can charge anyone for murder if the baby was unborn!!


Gruesome Colorado case sheds light on fetal homicide laws

LONGMONT, Colo. (AP) — The gruesome case of a Colorado woman accused of cutting open the belly of a pregnant woman and removing her unborn baby girl is reviving the highly-charged debate over when a fetus can legally be considered a human being.

In the past two years, Colorado twice rejected efforts to make the death of a fetus a homicide under state law. The Democratic-led legislature voted down a bill to do that in 2013 and last year 65 percent of voters rejected a ballot measure that would have granted legal rights to unborn fetuses, the state's third rejection of a so-called "personhood measure."

That leaves the state as one of only 12 without a law allowing homicide charges in the violent deaths of fetuses and the fate of Dynel Lane up in the air. Authorities say Lane lured a woman who was eight months pregnant with an ad on Craigslist offering to sell baby clothes. Lane allegedly removed the fetus from the woman's body.

Stan Garnett, the district attorney of liberal Boulder County, said during a news conference Thursday that Colorado law makes it challenging to file homicide charges. "Under Colorado law, essentially no murder charges can be brought if the child did not live outside of the mother," Garnett said.

The legal complexity seems unnecessary to some. "It's literally absurd," said Keith Mason, the president of Personhood USA, the anti-abortion rights group that spearheaded the push for Colorado's fetal homicide laws.

The abortion debate has hung over the increasing number of states that have made the killing of a fetus a homicide. Those laws have been promoted by opponents of abortion rights and have been adopted by 38 states and the federal government, to the consternation of many abortion-rights supporters.


"So you see Dennis, since the baby was indeed kicking and crying when it was cut out of the mother...we can't say it was a was really just like if a criminal cut a tumor or wart off your arm without your consent.  Yes, that would be a felony...but certainly it can't be called murder because a wart isn't a baby!  Do you understand?"

The pro-abortionists are terrified of these cases because it will show how week their cause is for murdering babies.  If they say this criminal is guilty of murder an 8 month old baby...then how about a 7 month old baby...or 6 months....or 5 months?  It will make them squirm because they will realize that at some point they will have to acknowledge that all women and doctors who perform abortions are, in fact, killing babies.

I'm not sure how much longer God is going to continue granting the USA the blood of 50,000,000 babies must be crying out to their Creator for justice...and one day, hopefully soon, God is going to bring it.

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