
Monday, April 20, 2015

China Unveils Super Highway to Pakistan

It seems that the pieces continue to fall into place at a rapid pace.  We have Russia drawing close to Iran and Turkey just like Ezekiel said they would.  We have Syria on the verge of destruction like Isaiah said it would.  We have the world hating and killing Christians and we have sexual perversion, debauchery, Mammon worship and gluttony taking over the "most Christian" nation on earth...America.

The Bible says that one day the Kings of the East will come marching across the dried up Euphrates river...on their way to make war on Israel.  The most obvious candidate for WHO these Kings of the East are would have something to do with China.  China has become a massive economic powerhouse in a relatively short period of time and would no doubt have the capacity to supply a big chunk of the 200,000,000 man army...also mentioned in Revelation.

Revelation 16:12
The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East."

Today we find a headline that China is going to build highway that runs right up to the doorway that leads into the Middle East...Pakistan.

China's President Xi Jinping is on a two-day visit to Pakistan, where he is expected to announce investment of $46bn (£30.7bn).

The focus of spending is on building a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) - a network of roads, railway and pipelines between the long-time allies.

They will run some 3,000km (1,865 miles) from Gwadar in Pakistan to China's western Xinjiang region.

The projects will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond.

This marks a major advance in China's plans to boost its economic influence in Central and South Asia, correspondents say, and far exceeds US spending in Pakistan.

"Pakistan, for China, is now of pivotal importance. This has to succeed and be seen to succeed," Reuters quoted Mushahid Hussain Sayed, chairman of the Pakistani parliament's defence committee, as saying.

Pakistan, for its part, hopes the investment will boost its struggling economy and help end chronic power shortages.


Please remember that 5 years from now (if The Lord tarries) China will have more Christians than America.  But at the Rapture all the salt and light will be taken away from the entire world....and darkness and the wrath of God will eventually fall upon it.

Also one BIG thing to remember is that the final 7 years begins when Antichrist signs a peace agreement with Israel AFTER the Rapture...but we have no idea how long of time frame we are dealing with between the Rapture and the peace agreement?  Could it be months?  Could it be years?

Hat tip to Tom F.

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