
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Churches in Turkey on Verge of Extinction

If you have been asleep for the past few years and just woke up today and started reading the news you might say, "Holy smokes!  When the heck did the world decide to start killing Christians and torching churches?" seems to have happened that fast.

ISIS just butchered a bunch more over the weekend.  Churches are being burned with their people locked in them in Africa, Christians are being chased out of virtually every country in the Middle East.

And do you know who is responsible for 99.99% of the killings and burnings?  Followers of Allah and his prophet Muhammad.

Today we find out its Turkey who is desecrating churches.  Apostle Paul planted churches there a few thousand years ago that were once thriving.  But when Allah showed up 800 years later....the forces of Satan started tearing down what Paul had planted.

One of the common features of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey seems to be their intolerance of churches.

"Turkey is not converting churches into mosques because there is a need for more mosques... The message conveyed ... is that Turkey is an Islamic state and no other religion is tolerated." — Constantine Tzanos, author.

The physical devastation of the Christian Armenians was followed by a cultural devastation. Countless Christian churches and schools have been destroyed or turned into mosques, storehouses or stables, among other things.

"Christians are certainly seen as second-class citizens. A real citizen is a Muslim, and those who aren't Muslim are seen as suspicious." — Walter Flick, Scholar, International Society for Human Rights.

Sadly, Turkey, a NATO member since 1952 and supposedly a candidate for membership in the European Union, has largely succeeded in destroying the entire Christian cultural heritage of Asia Minor.

While Eastern Orthodox Christians recently celebrated their Easter holy week, a historic church in Istanbul -- the once magnificent Christian city of Constantinople -- is witnessing yet another abuse at the hands of its current authorities.

"The historic Istanbul cathedral and museum, Hagia Sophia, witnessed its first Quran recitation under its roof after 85 years Saturday," reported the state-run Anatolian News Agency of Turkey. "The Religious Affairs Directorate launched the exhibition "Love of Prophet," as part of commemorations of the birth of Islamic Prophet Muhammad."

Even though Christians are a tiny minority in Turkey today, Christianity has a long history in Asia Minor, the birthplace of many Christian Apostles and Saints, including Paul of Tarsus, Timothy, Nicholas of Myra, and Polycarp of Smyrna.

All of the first seven Ecumenical Councils were held in what is today Turkey. Two out of the five centers (Patriarchates) of the ancient Pentarchy -- Constantinople (Istanbul) and Antioch (Antakya) -- are also situated there. Antioch was the place where, for the first time, the followers of Jesus were called "Christians."

Turkey is also home to the Seven Churches of Asia, where were sent the Revelations to John. During the centuries that followed, countless churches were established throughout the region.


Remember friends, even though it sounds like awful news for the Kingdom of Christ....this is all playing out exactly as he foretold.  It may APPEAR for a little while like the gates of hell are tearing down Christ's bride, the Church....but they aren't!  The more the nations of the earth try to tear down Christ, the more the inhabitants of those nations are turning to Christ!

It has to be a very frustrating conundrum for Lucifer....the Prince of the Earth.

Also please notice this sentence from the article;
"The historic Istanbul cathedral and museum, Hagia Sophia, witnessed its first Quran recitation under its roof after 85 years Saturday.

Amazing!  Just like a male dog that shows up in your yard and has to pee on every marker to try and claim is Islam where they simply are SO INSECURE that they have to pee on every church, statue, museum or building in the name of Allah.

Also, lest you say, "Awww....Muslims reading in churches in Turkey....sad!!", please remember that Muslims led prayers in our own NATIONAL CATHEDRAL just a few short months ago....and most members of Congress were there to bow their heads in submission to Allah.

How long will the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob let these abominations continue?

Answer:  Until the timing is just perfect and the Bride of Christ is complete and the Father sends the Son to come and claim her!!

Amen!  Come Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. You know the Hagia Sophia was a mosque for nearly 500 years before it became a museum in the 1930s? It was a cathedral for nearly 1000 years before that.
