
Monday, April 13, 2015

EMP Could Kill 90% of Americans in 12 Months

Many Americans believe that nothing really bad could happen that could affect the entire country.  Sure, they say, we could have another 9/11 or could have another city like Detroit go bankrupt....but those will ALWAYS be isolated events and America will ALWAYS be the greatest nation on earth.

But what if terrorists or some other nation could figure out a way to turn off all our electricity for a few months?  Wouldn't that almost guarantee that America would be gone after a few months with no food, no hot water, no computers and no cell phones?  Wouldn't that essentially vaporize America?

Also please remember that it might not take terrorists to accomplish could also be done by an "Act of God" if a solar storm hit earth in just the right way it could accomplish about the same thing.

If a successful, large scale EMP attack ever did take place, it would be a catastrophe beyond anything that the United States has ever seen before. The EMP Commission, which was established by Congress, says that it is likely that most of us would end up dead…

What would a successful EMP attack look like? The EMP Commission, in 2008, estimated that within 12 months of a nationwide blackout, up to 90% of the U.S. population could possibly perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown.

-There would be no heat for your home.
-Water would no longer be pumped into most homes.
-Your computer would not work.
-There would be no Internet.
-Your phones would not work.
-There would be no television.
-There would be no radio.
-ATM machines would be shut down.
-There would be no banking.
-Your debit cards and credit cards would not work.
-Without electricity, most gas stations would not be functioning.
-Most people would be unable to do their jobs without electricity and employment would collapse.
-Commerce would be brought to a standstill.
-Hospitals would not be able to function normally.
-You would quickly start running out of medicine.
-All refrigeration would shut down and frozen foods in our homes and supermarkets would start to go bad.

And as I mentioned above, all of this can happen even without an attack.

A direct hit from a major solar storm can cause the exact same thing.

In fact, NASA says that there is a 12 percent chance that such a storm will hit us during the next ten years…

NASA is warning that there’s a 12 percent chance an extreme solar storm will hit Earth in the next decade, sending out massive shock waves that would knock out grids across the world.

The economic impact of this doomsday scenario could exceed $2 trillion — or 20 times the cost of Hurricane Katrina, according to the National Academy of Sciences.

In recent years, we have been really lucky.

There was a close call in 2012 and another one in 2013.

The following is an excerpt from an upcoming book that I have co-authored with Barbara Fix that will soon be published entitled “Get Prepared Now”…

Most people have absolutely no idea that the Earth barely missed being fried by a massive EMP burst from the sun in 2012 and in 2013. And earlier in 2014 there was another huge solar storm which would have caused tremendous damage if it had been directed at our planet. If any of those storms would have directly hit us, the result would have been catastrophic. 

Electrical transformers would have burst into flames, power grids would have gone down and much of our technology would have been fried. In essence, life as we know it would have ceased to exist – at least for a time. These kinds of solar storms have hit the Earth many times before, and experts tell us that it is inevitable that it will happen again. The most famous one happened in 1859, and was known as the Carrington Event. 

But other than the telegraph, humanity had very little dependence on technology at the time. If another Carrington Event happened today, it would be a complete and utter nightmare. A study by Lloyd’s of London has concluded that it would have taken a $2,600,000,000,000 chunk out of the global economy, and it would take up to a decade to repair the damage. Unfortunately, scientists insist that it is going to happen at some point. The only question is when.

So keep an eye on the sun.

Personally, I cannot even imagine what life would be like without electricity.

Because we have become so deeply dependent on technology, most of us would have absolutely no idea how to live without it.

An electromagnetic pulse attack would be one of the fastest ways to cripple America and end the dominance of the United States in world affairs. And in this day and age, there are hundreds of millions of people around the planet that would love to see that happen.

So to not take steps to protect our power grid from such an attack is very foolish. But that is precisely what Barack Obama (and presidents before him) have chosen to do. We have technology which would mitigate the damage from an electromagnetic pulse, but rather than spend the money Obama has decided to just hope that it will never happen.

Up to this point, we have been fortunate.

But someday, our luck may run out.

Luck?  Really?  Our entire survival relies on dumb-luck?  

Doesn't our Creator have anything to do with what nations come and go and what leaders are put in power and dethroned?

I certainly HOPE AND PRAY that the rapture of the church is going to happen soon.  If it does, the disappearance of a few million Americans will certainly cause a panic and quite possible make USA insolvent and unable to pay it's debts....BUT....if that doesn't happen and God wants to show us all what happens to a nation that murders babies by the millions, throws His book by the wayside and starts embracing sinful lifestyles with abandon....He certainly could allow us to see what life looks like in the dark....not only spiritually but also literally.

As the EMP Commission Study says.....12 months in America without electricity would mean that about 90% of Americans would be dead.  That for sure would explain why America isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible when the Last Days are foretold.

Come Lord Jesus!

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