
Monday, April 13, 2015

Iran Claims Victory

Every day in Iran some of it's leaders call out "Death to America!"  When Obama is asked about this he says that Iranian rhetoric isn't surprising but should be ignored during his negotiations with them.  He goes on to claim that the REAL PROBLEM is these dang Republicans in America who disagree with Obama!

Figure that one out....Obama is MORE peeved at Americans who question him than he is with our enemies who call out every day for America's and Israel's destruction!

Iran appears to be feeling pretty confident that it has "No War Obama" and his liberal supporters right where they want them....confused and willing to say or do anything to keep American guns lowered and boots OFF the ground.

Still describing the US as “the enemy,” a leading Iranian general says that to date, Washington has conceded to all of Tehran’s demands in the negotiations.

Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), warned on Saturday that all sanctions against Iran must be removed in a single step. Otherwise, he said, the nuclear talks between Tehran and the world powers could end up in failure.

He further stated that until now, the US has conceded to all the Iranian demands.

Addressing a gathering of IRGC commanders on Saturday, Jafari said that the “nuclear technology is a symbol of the Iranian nation’s power, honor and capability.”

The US, he added, was “seeking to break the nation’s resistance against Washington’s hegemonic policies through the nuclear talks by forcing Iran to withdraw from its positions under the pressure of the sanctions,” Iran’s Fars News reports.

Despite this pressure, Iran was successful in achieving what it wanted in the negotiations, the general said. “No binding agreement has been made yet; only some solutions have been found, and the enemy [the US and the other powers] seems to have admitted the Islamic Republic’s principles and red lines in the area of technical issues.”

Jafari, one of the most influential people in Tehran, reiterated Iran’s demand that all economic sanctions on Iran be removed immediately after the signing of the final deal and not in phases, as the US had claimed. “There are still ambiguities about the way the sanctions should be lifted, which need to become transparent; we should know that this very issue about the sanctions removal can lead to failure in (obtaining a final) agreement,” the IRGC commander warned.

In similar remarks on Tuesday, Jafari underscored that termination of all sanctions and possession of the full nuclear fuel cycle are Iran’s red line in any nuclear agreement.

“The significance of the talks … lies in the fact that these sanctions should all be removed in a single phase in lieu of the concessions that Iran provides,” he declared.

On Thursday Iranian President Hassan stated that there would be no deal “unless all sanctions were lifted on the same day… We want a win-win deal for all parties involved in the nuclear talks.”

Jafari emphasized that irrespective of the results of the nuclear talks, Iran will maintain its “Islamic and revolutionary values, principles and stances” and will never be “coaxed or intimidated into giving up its present course of action and policy.”

“The main goal of the enemy is changing the attitude of the establishment, as it wrongly believes that it can do so through the nuclear negotiations and economic sanctions,” the IRGC top commander said, reiterating that past experience throughout the last 36 years shows that the US attempt is “destined to failure.”

Iran’s nuclear technology, he said, serves as “resistance for protecting rights and standing up to the enemy’s bullying.”

He voiced appreciation for the Iranian diplomats and negotiators for their efforts, “resistance and emphasis on the red lines,” adding that after the framework agreement between Tehran and the P5+1 in Lausanne was made, the US admitted the irrelevance of the military option and continued sanctions against Iran.

“The US, which was seeking to change Iran’s political behavior, was forced to change its political behavior towards our people, and contrary to its previous policy, it was forced to forget all its over-the-table options and replace them with the diplomatic path to settle the nuclear issue,” Jafari said.


Wow!  Those words from the General sound like they aren't going to change anything in Iran...and that the negotiations were really just a chance for them to tell Team Obama to hit the road and take a hike....oh yeah...and lift all the stupid sanctions on your way out the door!!

Of course the liberals say, "Isn't Team Obama wonderful!  He will keep us out of war!!  The best way to stop war is tell our enemies that we hate war and we will never use our guns, tanks and bombs again!  No more war!  No more war!"

I just wish we could put a whole bunch of these "No more war!-liberals" onto a barge and ship them over to Iran, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan and a dozen other war zones and have them all start screaming at the war-lords over there, "No more war!  No more war!"

Of course it would accomplish nothing since the war generals in Iran, Syria, Turkey, etc... would simply laugh at the barge full of liberals and say, "Who are these idiots?  Don't they know that war is the only way to accomplish anything meaningful on planet earth? who wants to volunteer to kill all these idiots?"

Do I want war?  No.

Should anyone want war?  No.

Do I want to speak softly and carry a big stick?  Yes.

Does the stick cease to have meaning if the holder of it tells the world not to worry because we are tired of using it?  Yes.

Friends, the days for singing Kum-ba-yah will only happen when Jesus returns and sets up his thousand year kingdom on earth.  Until that time we best understand that the deceived Muslims and atheist nations of the world are looking for war as a way to topple the USA from world domination.

As sick as the USA is and as godless as we have become...we are still the #1 nation that Satan wants destroyed.  #2 would be Israel.  Why?  Because our nation has sent the light of Christ all around the world using our churches and the wealth that Jesus has provided them.  Also because our leaders have been the #1 supporter of Israel...God's chosen people... whom He will soon use again to fulfill many of the remaining unfulfilled biblical prophesies. And for this reason Satan wants ALL THE JEWS gone and the nation of Israel vaporized.

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