
Monday, May 18, 2015

Saudis to Buy Nukes from Pakistan

Ahhh!....the plot thickens!!

It's almost like the Prince of the Earth is moving chess pieces around the world seemingly unfettered and will soon say, "Checkmate!"

Saudi Arabia to buy nuclear bombs from Pakistan: report

Saudi Arabia will join the nuclear club by buying “off the shelf” atomic weapons from Pakistan, US officials told a London newspaper.

The Saudis — who financed much of Pakistan’s nuke program — are fearful of international efforts to keep its enemy Iran from acquiring a bomb, the Sunday Times of London reports. The Saudis think the deal, backed by President Obama, will actually accelerate Iran’s nuke push.

Saudi Arabia has talked for years about acquiring a bomb from the Pakistanis. “The House of Saud has now made the strategic decision to move forward,” a former US defense official said.


Well duh!?  Why not just buy the nukes right off the shelf and ready to vaporize millions?

Why waste all the time with centrifuges, engineers and inspectors when you can just send a semi to your Sunni relatives and Pakistan and say, "Hey Moustafa...remember how WE PAID for all your centrifuges and engineers to make you a huge atomic bomb so you couldn't be threatened by India?? Remember how we said that if we ever needed a few nukes in return for that favor, that you would gladly give them to us?....well, that day has come.  What day can we send a truck to collect two or three nukes?"

The world is ONLY going to get more complicated and even more dangerous.

"Oh Dennis, I'm tired of hearing, 'Danger!  Danger!  Danger!'  The world has always been dangerous and we always survive.  50,000 years from now, there will still be some nut job saying 'Danger!  Danger! Danger!' as he points at his Bible and looks at the headlines in the news.  Hopefully mankind gets smart enough to make that stupid book illegal!  All it does is preach gloom, sin and hell!"

I seriously doubt we are going to go 50,000 years, 5000 years or even 50 years.  Israel is back in her land surrounded by her enemies.  USA is cursing Israel. Scoffers are scoffing. Atheism is growing. Muslim nations are acquiring nukes while chanting "Death to America!", and the Bible speaks of a day coming when the financial world gets destroyed in one hour.  We can certainly all agree on one thing....if a nuclear bomb went off in Manhattan and killed millions and totally destroyed Wall Street and all the bankers and brokers sitting at the desks making money ONE HOUR the entire Western Financial World would be destroyed.

We are NOT LIVING in a "Business as usual" time.  Levers have already been pulled and the seeds of destruction have already been sewn....we just don't know when those seeds are going to pop out of the soil and start bearing fruit....but we can't hardly comprehend how this global debacle of hatred and wickedness can continue on for another 5 years...forget about 50 years.

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