
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Strange Trumpet Sounds Coming From the Sky

We first posted on these strange noises some years ago.  It would seem they haven't quit and are still being heard all over the world.

A mysterious noise from the sky is continuing to baffle people all over the world - as well as giving those who hear it sleepless nights.

Sounding like a trumpet or a collective from a brass section of an orchestra, a selection of videos shot from the Canada to Ukraine, via the U.S., Germany and Belarus show strange goings on above us.

And the eerie sounds have been continuously heard at all different times and locations for almost a decade. 

The first video posted on YouTube recording the unusual, unearthly sounds, was in 2008 when a user recorded the strange sounds in the sky from Homel, in Belarus. 

That same year another anonymous user shared the 'ear-deafening' sounds that they insisted 'were not a hoax,' from a quiet neighbourhood believed to be in the U.S.

Kimberly Wookey from Terrace, British Columbia in Canada first captured the alien sound in June 2013, and since then she has managed to capture several recordings of the noise with her most recent being on May 7 this year. 

Listen to them here:

Some folks believe these noises are being made by "aliens"....and that they are doing them to prepare the people of planet earth for their soon arrival. (for new readers; we believe "aliens" are really demons in disguise, sent to deceive)

Some folks think it's the voice of the archangel (mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4) warming up for a massive trumpet blast to signal the rapture of the church.

Some folks believe that it's Satan (Prince of this Earth) orchestrating these noises so he has an explanation for those left behind after the explain what the loud trumpet noise was that preceded millions of folks leaving this earth

Some folks believe it's power lines vibrating in the wind.

Some folks are so sound asleep as to what is going on that even if the dead were brought back to life they wouldn't wake up.

Some folks believe it's just one more strange thing that has recently started happening all over the world for the first time EVER!...WHY?....because the earth is groaning.

Romans 8:22
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.


  1. If you have ever been at the center of a huge solar storm that creates magnificent northern lights.. you kow this sound. Go north young man and you will hear them too.

  2. I doubt it's Northern lights but have no idea what might be making the noises...but the ones they have heard in Texas appear to be in the far South. Also Northern lights have been with us for a long time and these noises appear to have just started a few years ago.

  3. Well ive never heard the northern lights make these sounds, but since northern lights are the direct response of earth's ionosphere against solar flares, then it would be easy to prove that these sounds were solar driven. I doubt that they are.
