
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Accept Gay Marriage or USA Won't Defend You From Muslim Terrorists

Every day we post articles that some may find concerning.  These next comments by Congressman Louie Gohmert are particularly troubling.

On June 4, 2015, Rep. Louie Gohmert spoke before the United States House of Representatives and the chilling things he said were put into the Congressional Record. He said there have been articles (I assume in newspapers) that say a Catholic Bishop in Nigeria asked the United States to help the Christians that are being killed, kidnapped, raped and abused by the violent Islamic terrorists known as Boko Haram.

Mr. Gohmert said according to these articles, officials in the Obama Administration told the Catholic Bishop the Nigerian Christians would not receive any help from the United States unless they changed their laws about same-sex marriage and agreed to start paying for abortions (Google it).

Mr. Gohmert also put into the Congressional record that other members of Congress have told him the same thing that the articles said. He said other members of Congress have traveled to East African nations and come back saying the Obama Administration has informed East African Christians that the United States will help defend them against terrorism and persecution if they will change their beliefs about same-sex marriage and start paying for abortions, but the United States won’t help them if they refuse to make these changes.

Mr. Gohmert also put the following in the Congressional record: “If there is a God as the Bible talks about, there will be a price to this nation for acting in such a way.”


Wow!  Do gay marriage and kill your children or USA won't help you!!  Is that really coming from this "great" nation??  A nation that still claims to be a Christian nation?

Back when the Jews were being rounded up and butchered, Cuba turned back a ship (S.S. St Louis) with some 900 Jews on it who were seeking safety from the Nazi death camps.  The ship then sailed to America and was refused safe harbor.  Ultimately they had to go back to Europe where as many as 90% are claimed to have died at the hands of the Nazis.

As I read that story I always asked how America could do that to the Jews?

As the ship neared Havana, only 27 passengers with “valid” entry documents were allowed to disembark before the vessel was turned away by Cuban officials. The St. Louis then steamed toward the Florida coast, where passengers saw the lights of Miami in the distance. Once again, the ship was turned away, this time by the U.S. government, which cited quotas that limited the number of immigrants who were allowed into the country each year.

On June 6, 1939, as the ship sailed back to Europe amid growing media publicity about its fate, European Jewish organizations and government representatives arranged for Belgium, Holland, France, and Great Britain to receive the remaining passengers.

But as hostilities in Europe were escalating, it became clear to Eva’s parents that Britain would be the safest choice. On June 21, the Great Britain contingent arrived in Southampton on a cargo ship and was taken to London. Upon arrival, the German-Jewish Aid Committee helped the passengers find housing and obtain living expenses.

“I was the youngest girl on the St. Louis,” said Eva Wiener. “There was a baby boy on the ship that was two months younger. But as I grew up, my parents shared the truth of that journey with me. I was always aware of the circumstances that forced us to take that trip.”

Estimates vary as to the number of passengers who survived, with some researchers claiming that some 50 percent of them perished. But according to Wiener, only 10 percent of the passengers who returned to continental Europe survived the Holocaust; 90 percent died at the hands of the Nazis. Some members of Wiener’s family who had never left Europe simply disappeared, she said.


Now as I read Rep. Gohmert's comments I wonder how America can be so totally oblivious to the cries from Christians around the world.

Even more appalling is that most Americans sitting in their church pews sipping Starbucks daydreaming through another sermon on grace, have NO CLUE how these Christians are suffering.

And even if we do we really care?

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