
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Russian Islamists Pledge Allegiance to ISIS

Everyone likes to side with the winning team.  Maybe that explains the appeal of ISIS to so many Muslims from all over the world?

As ISIS seems to make the daily news with more victories and more hi-def videos of gory executions, Muslims from all over the world are attracted to them and their bloody quest for world domination.

Honestly, who can explain the power of Satan and his uncanny ability to deceive?

Islamists in four regions of Russia's Caucasus have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group, according to a recording which was welcomed by ISIS after being posted online.

The voice recording posted on YouTube Sunday said Islamists in Russia's Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria regions had all swore fealty to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of the feared jihadist group.

"Obeying the order of Allah... we are declaring our allegiance to Caliph Ibrahim ben Awwad ben Ibrahim al Badri al-Qoureishi al Husseini for obedience and subordination," the recording in both Arabic and Russian says, referring to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

"We testify that all mujahedeen of the Caucasus... are united in this decision and there are no disagreements among us on this issue," the male voice says, listing the four Russian regions.

A spokesman for Islamic State group, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, on Tuesday welcomed the news in a recording of his own.

"We congratulate the soldiers of Islamic State in the Caucasus... we congratulate them for making allegiance to the Caliph. He accepts your allegiance and names Sheikh Abu Mohammad al-Qadari as (governor) of the Caucasus."

Russian officials maintain that thousands of Russians, many of them from the Caucasus, have traveled to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside the Islamic State group.

On Wednesday, the deputy secretary of Russia's security council put the figure at "up to 2,000".

Some jihadists from the region have already issued videos supporting al-Baghdadi.

Their return, usually through Turkey where they "pretend to be tourists who lost their documents" will "pose a problem," he was reported as saying by Interfax.


The Bible lists some nations who will be prevalent in the VERY Last we watch for news regarding these nations to better understand the season we are in.  Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey and Israel are a few of those nations....all of whom have been front and center in the news almost every single day for the past few years.

Of course we have no idea if the Muslim-horde consisting of Boko Haram, Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and numerous other murderous Muslim groups will simply burn themselves out once they get sick of raping and murdering...OR....if it's a demonic cancer that has now metastasized and is in the process of strengthening and spreading to the entire world?  We just don't know.

I just wonder where all the "Moderate" Muslim armies and nations are?  How come they haven't risen up and been appalled at the behavior of ISIS?  Why haven't more joined into the fight against ISIS?

One retired U.S. General interviewed on FOX said that there is nothing the USA can do about stopping ISIS.  The million dollar bombs we are dropping everyday on ISIS targets aren't going to stop them and we have no intention of sending a few hundred thousand troops over there to try and referee this Muslim-death-cult-free-for-all.

So for now all we can do is watch the Islamist propaganda videos and HOPE it burns itself out....before the blood-lust invades Europe and America.

Apostle Paul told us our battles aren't against flesh and blood but against the unseen, spiritual forces of Satan who are dragging the souls of men into the pit of hell every single day.  We won't defeat 1 billion Muslims with guns and will have to be done with prayer.  Does America, running headlong into idolatry and godlessness, have many prayer warriors anymore?  Are the pews of our churches sound asleep to the enemy at the gate?  Are there enough pastors sounding the alarm?

Personally, I don't think so.  Lord help us.

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