
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ahmadinejad Says USA Trying to Arrest 12th Imam

Our old friend, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is back in the news!  He's still looking for the 12th Imam to be revealed on planet earth so he can commence setting up his global caliphate and start killing all the Jews and Christians.

But now he has a warning to his followers...

Is there no end to the evils of the Great Satan?

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has claimed the United States is trying to arrest the Shia Muslim messiah, known as the "Hidden Imam," in bizarre speech to his supporters Monday.

In comments made to a group of clerics, which were posted by his supporters on the website, Ahmadinejad claimed the US was putting an intense effort into capturing the Hidden Imam, whose imminent return is expected by followers of the so-called Twelver Shia sect of which the former president is a member.

"They've done so much research about the Hidden Imam in the human science universities of the United States that I am not exaggerating by saying that it is a thousand times more than all the work done in the seminaries of Qom, Najaf, and Mashhad," he told supporters, according to a translation by Radio Free Europe, referring to three Shia holy cities in Iran and Iraq.

According to Twelver Shias the "Hidden Imam" is the "Mahdi" - the Muslim messiah - and the twelfth in a series of Shia religious figures born in the 9th century, who will return to earth along with Jesus to redeem mankind. Other Muslims, including most Shias, believe the Mahdi has not been born yet.

"To quote a friend, they've completed a case against the Hidden Imam, and closed it also for his arrest," he said of the US, accusing the "evil" American government of fearing that the Imam's return would end its "empire."

​"It is really a government established by Satan to prevent reaching God and the Hidden Imam... This evil government knows that its end will come if the Hidden Imam reappears," he railed.

But it appears the Hidden Imam still has something of an edge over US intelligence services, since according to Ahmadinejad "the only [evidence] they lack is his picture" - an crucial piece of evidence no doubt.

Ahmadinejad warned those gathered not to be complacent, though he admitted that many people "laugh about these comments."



It's easy to read these articles and wave your hand and say, "That dude is crazy!"...thereby dismissing the entire thing.  But that's too easy and it simply isn't true!  These Muslims aren't crazy...they are deceived by Satan but they aren't crazy.

"But Dennis, they think YOU are deceived by Satan since you accept Jesus as your savior and believe he is the eternal Son of the living God.  So how do you know YOU aren't the crazy one and that Ahmadinejad is actually correct?  If you are watching for Jesus and he is watching for 12th Imam, maybe you are both crazy!"

Sorry.  The Bible is the ONLY book that has accurately foretold the future thereby PROVING that it is a book that was written outside our time zone.  The Koran and the Hadiths were written 800 years after Christ had been resurrected and ascended into heaven.  Christianity had spread over the entire Middle East and Satan decided he didn't like its rapid he got hold of an illiterate-pervert named Muhammad and started to whisper to him in a cave....whispering lies that REFUTED the TRUTH that Jesus had successfully delivered 800 years earlier.

One thing for sure....we DON'T want to have Iran get access to nuclear bombs....knowing that many of the powerful folks there believe they are to play a part in ushering in the Satanic lie called the 12th Imam.

It's very possible that many Muslims will believe the lies of the Antichrist because they may believe he is the 12th Imam.  If you doubt that line of thinking, read the book ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST by Joel Richardson.

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