
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ISIS Reveals New Ways to Kill People

Cutting people's heads off with a steak knife is terrifying....but let's face it, ISIS can only make so many videos of carving people's heads off while they gurgle in their own blood.  They need to come up with video ideas of heinous ways to kill people!

Oh yeah....they did burn that one guy alive in a cage...that was pretty heinous.

But now they give us video of three new ways to kill people!

1)  Lock them in a cage then lower the cage into the water and have underwater camera videotaping the terror of being drowned alive.

2)  Lock them in a car and then shoot the car with a grenade launcher while videotaping them men exploding into burned-alive bits.

3)  Wrap detonation explosive cord around their necks and explode their heads off...making sure to capture it all on video to entice more Muslims from around the world to come join your blood-lust-worship to the demon-moon-god, Allah.

Islamic terror group ISIS has released harrowing footage appearing to show caged prisoners being lowered into a swimming pool to drown alongside other horrific executions.

The vile group claimed that 16 men were killed in Nineveh, Iraq, after being accused of spying in a set of horrifying killings.

In the first round of executions, five terrified men can be seen being lowered into the water while locked in a cage together.

Minutes later, the cage is lifted, which shows the mean lying motionless on the cage floor.

The barbaric footage even used pricey underwater cameras which were fitted around the swimming pool to capture the scene from below the water.

But after that horrific ordeal, the video is not finished with its brutal executions.

It then cuts to show four victims locked in an old-looking car in the desert.

The video then cuts to an ISIS executioner brandishing a rocket-propelled grenade, who fires in the direction of the car.

The footage then lingers on the exploded car as in languishes in flames.

See it all here;

Of course we have no idea WHO these men are that they are killing...are they Christians, are they other 'moderate Muslims' or are they other 'extremist Muslims' who simply weren't extreme enough for ISIS?

I wonder WHO in the world is going to stand up to ISIS and bring them to justice?  China?  Russia? Anyone in Europe?  India?  All the "peaceful" Muslim nations like Iran, Pakistan or Turkey?

Nope, nope, nope, nope and nope!

There really is only one nation that could stop ISIS and America is simply too bankrupt (financially and spiritually) to take on the we will just watch from afar and remind ourselves daily that Islam is a religion of peace, gay people getting married is a good thing, abortion is all about giving rights to women and as long as you are "spiritual", it doesn't matter what spirit you worship....because they are all pretty much the same.

Jesus asks if he will find any faith on earth when He returns.  That's a good question!!

"I am THE way, THE truth and THE life.  NO MAN comes to the Father except through me." --Jesus

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