
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Do Chimps Have Legal Rights?

As the liberal-progressives take control of ever larger parts of this nation and control more and more of the dialogue....we can expect to see more and more of headlines like these;

Is it time that chimps are given legal rights? What about elephants, dolphins and whales?

You see, in a post-Christian society, most of its citizens now believe that mankind evolved from chimps, and chimps evolved from squirrels, and squirrels evolved from frogs, etc.... all the way back to when some sort of "event" (like lightning striking a pond filled with powdered proteins) "created" life!!

Of course all people DESPERATELY want to believe that we evolved from random chance because that removes any CREATOR from their understanding.....and if there is no Creator then there is no responsibility....and if there is no responsibility then you can fornicate with anyone or anything, consume and indulge in gluttonous orgies, get drunk on drugs and alcohol and trade in your old wife for a younger version when you get tired of the old one.

This morning New York’s Supreme Court will hear arguments over whether chimpanzees deserve to be given legal rights - specifically two chimps named Hercules and Leo being held in captivity by Stony Brook University in New York State for use in an anatomical research programme.
For the sake of posterity, the case is “Nonhuman Rights Project v. Stanley, New York State Supreme Court, New York County, No. 152736-2015”.

That’s a joke, right?

No. The Nonhuman Rights Project, a group founded by Steven Wise, an attorney and animal rights activist, is deadly serious. And the question of whether the most intelligent non-human animals should have a legal status beyond mere objects has generated significant legal debate in recent years.

But how can a chimp have rights if it can’t even speak?

Nor can some mentally ill people, or unborn children for that matter. But they still have legal rights.
Tommy the circus chimp is a 'person' entitled to his liberty, US court told Chimpanzees given same rights as unlawfully detained prisoners by US court

So which “right” do they want chimps to be granted?

Specifically, the right to liberty – or “bodily freedom” – ie not to be stuck in a cage, or a science lab.

So if the court decides in their favour do the chimps simply walk off into Manhattan?

No. But they do get to go to a sanctuary in Florida to live out their days in as much freedom as is practically possible.

This all sounds pretty radical. Where would it end?

That’s the argument of Christopher Coulston, the New York Assistant Attorney General who is defending the university in this case.

He has warned the court against a decision that would set a precedent “for the release of other animals ... housed at a zoo, in an educational institution, on a farm, or owned as a domesticated pet”, and leave New York mired in litigation forever more.

So they want to free the cows, pigs and chickens too?

No. The Nonhuman Rights Project says only animals who demonstrate “clear scientific evidence of complex cognitive abilities [such] as self-awareness and autonomy” should be granted rights. So pigs and ducks are out of luck.

Dolphins, whales and elephants – who like chimps have been shown to communicate, remember, mourn their dead and play tricks on each other - would qualify.


Below is a fictitious letter that I may soon receive in the future:

"Hi Dennis, I read your blog regularly and I disagree with just about everything that you say.  I am a 54 year old woman who has been married three times to three different men.  All of my husbands wanted to control me.  It seemed every relationship I was in I was constantly looking to please my husband and keep him happy.  None of them EVER seemed to give a crap about me.  About 10 years ago I fostered a baby chimp named BoBo.  I loved him like he was a child.  As BoBo matured he started to share my bed.  He made me feel so comfortable, so cherished and so needed.  I soon realized that I had fallen in love with BoBo.  I told my 3rd husband to take a hike and BoBo and I have been living happily ever after.  Yes, we do sexual relations and yes, BoBo is a very unselfish lover.  Don't you dare judge me!!  I am watching this case in New York very carefully because one day I hope I can "come out" and be open with my family, friends and co-workers about my relationship with BoBo.  Now I am living a secret life as I fear for my job and my reputation if people found out I was sleeping with a "mostly evolved human".  Why are people so cruel?  I hope one day that BoBo can be my 4th husband and that society will evolve enough to realize that BoBo is more of a man than my previous 3 husbands will EVER be!!  I'm much older than BoBo and I hope that my Social Security will continue to him if I should die before him.  I also would like him to get my group health insurance.  Right now, I'm on pins and needles just hoping BoBo doesn't have a heart attack or get cancer and we have no coverage for those catastrophic illnesses.  Plus even though I tell him to be careful sometimes when I come home from work he is sitting 60 feet up in top of our oak tree....and if he ever lost his grip...the medical bills could be calamitous.  Dennis, please open your mind!  Chimps are people!! different than any younger person!  I feel so loved and yet so shunned by society. You keep talking about how God loves everyone...well then he must love chimps too!"


Friends, anyone who knows me knows that I love the many animals that we have on our farm....but they are NOT EQUAL to humans.  They do NOT sin like humans.  Christ did NOT shed his blood for their redemption. They will NOT be part of the Bride of Christ.

Treat your animals well, when it's their time, kill them humanely....but don't EVER believe that God values them equally to humans.  It is ONLY us, the descendants of Adam, who were made in the image of God....and it's probably only a matter of time until our Godless society elevates chimps, dolphins, whales and elephants to human status.  After all.....they were born that way!!

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