
Monday, June 1, 2015

Why is America Still Here?

America isn't mentioned anywhere in the Last Days prophecies of the Bible.  Where did she go?

Lots of folks have lots of different ideas....and this isn't really the topic I wanted to get into for this blog post....but what I have really started to wonder is, "WHY is America still here?"

We all know that she aborts millions of babies, produces perversion in videos and media like no other and is now leading the charge on redefining marriage and foisting our "tolerance" on other nations who are our trading partners.

So why has God allowed this decadent, selfish, God-rejecting society to flourish up to our present day?

Maybe because we continue to aid in the incubation and protection of God's nation, Israel?

(Please notice this article is from the Motley Fool which is a secular, investment advice column)

What if they held a war and everybody (in the Middle East) came? Lately, that seems to be what we're seeing happen in the Middle East.

They've got Houthis running amok in Yemen, with Saudi fighter jets screaming overhead, and Iranian warships trying desperately to get into the mix. Freedom fighters battling Bashar in Syria, and fighting ISIS, besides. More ISIS in Iraq. And even more ISIS in Libya. Al-Qaeda, meanwhile, is... everywhere.

And into this mess steps Israel.

Dangerous times call for dangerous bombs
Two weeks ago, in a startling development, most remarkable for the matter-of-fact way in which it was reported, the Israeli government asked the U.S. Congress to approve the sale to it of $1.9 billion worth of bombs, missiles, and "smart bomb" kits for guiding all of the above to their intended targets. Word of the request was delivered to Congress through the intermediary of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency as a notification -- and almost immediately approved.

In total, the Israeli shopping list includes more than 32,000 pieces of military equipment, including:

14,500 KMU-556C/B Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) tail kits, built by Boeing (NYSE: BA  ) and used to convert ordinary Mk-82, -83, and -84 "dumb" bombs into "smart bombs" guided by GPS

4,500 actual 1,000-lb Mk-83 bombs

3,500 500-lb Mk-82s
(But apparently no 2,000-lb Mk-84s -- which Israel is able to produce domestically)

4,100 GBU-39 Small Diameter, precision GPS-guided glide-bombs (also from Boeing)

50 BLU-113 5,000-lb "bunker buster" bombs from General Dynamics (NYSE: GD  ) , each capable of penetrating through 20 feet of reinforced concrete

1,500 Paveway laser-guidance kits from Raytheon (NYSE: RTN  ) , which can be attached to the Mk-83 bomb

700 similar Paveway kits for attachment to BLU-109 bunker busters (but no actual BLU-109s)

3,000 AGM-114K/R Hellfire Missiles from Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT  )

250 AIM-120C Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles from Raytheon

500 of Boeing's DSU-38A/B Detector Laser Illuminated Target kits for guiding JDAM-modified smart bombs to their targets

It sure is. Everyone who is anyone in military arms sales seems to have found a customer in Israel here. So the suppliers aren't in doubt, but what about the "end users?" Who's going to wind up on the receiving end of all this ordnance?

Reporting on the arms deal last week, and referred to it as simply a "resupply" or "replenish[ment]" of Israeli arsenals that were exhausted during last summer's war against Hamas. If you believe this theory, then maybe no one needs to worry about Israel's swelling arsenal. As DefenseNews explained, "[D]uring last summer's Gaza war ... the Israel Air Force dropped an estimated 100 tons of munitions during the 50-day campaign," implying this purchase is nothing more than a stock-up.

And indeed, this is one reason that, when investing in the defense industry, I prefer to own shares of companies that make "bullets" rather than companies that make the airplanes, ships, and tanks that shoot the bullets. From an investor's perspective, the great virtue of a bullet (or bomb, missile, or rocket) is that once you shoot it, you need to buy another bullet. That's not the case with a warplane like Lockheed Martin's F-35, for example, because in theory at least, once you buy an F-35, you're pretty much set -- and won't need to buy another one for 60 years.

Simply put, if you're a fan of recurring revenues, it's really hard to beat a bullet-maker as an attractive investment.


That is a whole bunch of bombs!!  And yes, good question....who is going to be on the receiving end of all of those Israeli bombs?

Hmmm.....let's think....why would Israel want 50 Bunker Busters capable of penetrating through 20 feet of concrete....hmmmm??.....maybe for an attack on Iran which will NEVER sign a Nuclear Agreement with Team Obama that will EVER be worth the paper it will NEVER be written on?

Also notice the first paragraph of this secular article:
What if they held a war and everybody (in the Middle East) came? Lately, that seems to be what we're seeing happen in the Middle East.

One day, possibly soon, there will be a MASSIVE WAR and the entire world will be invited.

Revelation 16
16 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. 

What is all going on in the Middle East today is simply a warm up for the grand finale' which Jesus will cut short by His return.  He tells us out of His own mouth that if he didn't return to cut those Last Days short that NO FLESH on earth would survive....that's how bad it will get.

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