
Monday, June 15, 2015

ISIS Throws More Gay Men Off Building

Here in America the LGBT coalition is screaming profanities at everyone who disagrees with their agenda regarding marriage, Boy Scout leaders, bathrooms, polygamy and anything else they deem "homophobic".

But if they REALLY wanted to come unhinged at someone it should be the Muslims....especially the ones who call themselves ISIS who just posted photos of how they killed three gay men by dropping them off a high building.

Oh yeah....hundreds of Muslims gathered to watch the 'fun' of Shariah law being carried out.

ISIS conducts more executions of men for being gay

On June 3, 2015, Islamic State (ISIS) operatives in Iraq's Ninveh province published photos of a public execution in Mosul of three men convicted of acts of homosexuality.The three men were blindfolded and dropped head first from the roof of a tall building in front of a large crowd of spectators, including children.

See the graphic photos ISIS released here;

But friends, friends!!...please remember, no matter what you see coming from hundreds of Muslim sources and groups advocating murder, abuse, jihad and world domination....please, please, PLEASE remember that Islam is a "Wonderful, great, religion of peace."

In reality, Islam is a Satanic-death-cult whose members are all currently on the wide road headed for destruction in hell just as Jesus warned.  As much as it plays into our human nature to wish all these ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram Muslims straight into the pit of hell....Jesus would 100% NOT want us to think like that.  Instead he would tell us to pray for them, love them and try to win them over to Jesus Christ....the ONLY path to eternal life.

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