
Monday, June 15, 2015

White is the New Black

I assume many of you have seen the non-stop headline news that a white woman has re-invented herself as a black woman and been so convincing that she actually got elected as president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP.

The massive coverage surrounding the "news" is because he parents came out and announced that their daughter is white.  They even produced pictures of her growing up as a blond, blue-eyed white girl.

So this raises lots of questions.....if a woman can be "trapped" in a man's body and call herself "transgendered"...then could a black person actually be trapped in a white person's skin?  Could a black person actually really be a white person trapped in black skin?

Of course this is ridiculous as WE ARE ALL PART OF THE SAME HUMAN RACE.  But please notice that almost ALL the liberals fighting for gay marriage and LGBT causes have been screaming that anyone who disagrees with them need look no further than the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's when black people got equal rights...and then compare that EXACTLY to their cause of gay people getting equal rights regarding marriage, bathroom use, etc....

We have argued all along that you can't use that as an example because having black skin is a PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC whereas desiring or having gay sex is a BEHAVIOR.  One is not equal to the other.

Embattled NAACP chapter president Rachel Dolezal has stepped down amid accusations that she changed her appearance to appear as a different race.

Dolezal posted a letter on the Spokane NAACP Facebook page announcing she is leaving her position as president of the chapter.

"In the eye of this current storm, I can see that a separation of family and organizational outcomes is in the best interest of the NAACP," she said in the post.

Dolezal did not directly challenge any accusation made regarding her race in the post but mentioned in passing that the national "dialogue has unexpectedly shifted internationally to my personal identity in the context of defining race and ethnicity."

Dolezal's story went public after her parents accused her of lying about her race and changing her appearance even though she was born to two Caucasian parents.

Dolezal, 37, said that the vice president of the chapter would take over her duties and that she will "never stop fighting for human rights."

"Whether it means stepping up or stepping down," Dolezal said in her statement. "This is not about me. It's about justice. This is not me quitting; this is a continuum."


This all leads me to another RACIST is the NAACP if they are ONLY going to allow black people to head their chapters?  What kind of test do they use for being black?  Does your hair have to naturally be a certain way?...or HOW dark, exactly, must your skin be?

The fools on the Liberal-left who have no biblical world view are really going to have a tough time explaining their views on this one.

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