
Friday, June 19, 2015

It's Not Just California

Some folks are saying that if it doesn't rain in California sometime real soon that the state could be out of water in another year.


That would certainly DISPLACE a lot of people...all of whom would be forced to leave because cities with no flush toilets, drinking water and showers become instantly unlivable. (see my previous post from yesterday about the millions of people already displaced)

"But Dennis, if CA runs out of water, too bad for them, but the rest of us still have plenty!"

It turns out NASA has been studying the global water supplies and they don't like what they see all over the place....not just in California.

NASA has bad news for anyone who heard California only has one year's worth of water stored up and hoped, "Maybe it's only California." According to two studies released on Tuesday, more than half of the world's aquifers are being depleted faster than they can be restored, and those aquifers may be smaller than we thought they were.

According to data from NASA, we're taking an unsustainable amount of water from 21 of the world's 37 biggest aquifers. As we use this water for farming, drinking, and industrial purposes, we're depleting resources that developed over thousands of years, and there's no way to artificially speed up that process. As NASA senior water scientist Jay Famiglietti, PhD, told The Washington Post, “The situation is quite critical.”

If you recognize Dr. Famiglietti's name, it's because he's the scientist that wrote the Los Angeles Times op-ed that sounded the alarm on California's miniscule water reserves.

It's not surprising that one of the aquifers being depleted at the worst rate is in California's Central Valley, where most of the state's agriculture is based. Farmers have agreed to slash their water use, but it may be too late. It's difficult to know; the second study, also published Tuesday, found that there's a lot less certainty about how much water we actually have stored — and its unlikely that we've been underestimating that figure.

While most of the world still relies on water from sources on the earth's surface, some 2 billion people rely on groundwater, according to Al Jazeera America. And, even as state officials implement rationing and stricter penalties for wasting water, it's extremely difficult to convince people to change their habits.

Dr. Famiglietti pointed out in March that California didn't have a plan for how to deal with the water crisis; now that disappearing groundwater looks like a global problem, figuring out a solution needs to become global, too.


Jesus said there would be famine in increasing intensity as the time of His return to earth draws closer.  Obviously a shortage of water would certainly make famine a reality.  And if this NASA report is accurate, the famine may be coming for all of us.

But notice the last sentence of the article which proclaims that the looming water crisis is "a global problem" that needs to have a global solution.

Have you noticed how the world is being forced to become more global?  Have you noticed how the problems in Greece may end up giving all of Europe a major headache?  Have you noticed how a lot of people are coming to the conclusion that each country can no longer have it's own central bank because the mistakes of one can impact the entire globe?

Bible readers should understand that all of these globalization signs are happening at a quickening pace because the stage is being set for one man, the Antichrist, to get on the stage and play his major role during The Tribulation.

Followers of Christ should be busy doing the Master's work because He may soon return for us.  For those who truly love The Master it should be our driving motivation to look forward to that day and hear the words, "Well done good and faithful servant."

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