
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Worst Displacement of People EVER!

Jesus said wars would increase...and they are.  One of the fall outs of war is famine and people fleeing from their homes.

Today we find this headline that the displacement of people in the world is the worst EVER.

UN Study: Displacement Worst Ever Recorded

The U.N. refugee agency says worldwide displacement from wars, conflict and persecution is at the highest level ever recorded. And it’s getting worse. The UNHCR has released its annual Global Trends report, which says nearly 60 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2014.

The UNHCR describes the level of displacement as a “dangerous new era” that “dwarfs anything seen before.” 
Spokesman Babar Baloch said, “It’s really a sad reality of the world that we are living in today. I mean last year, in 2014, there were 59.5 million people that were forced out of their homes, either as internally displaced people, or they were forced to leave their countries and cross an international border, or they needed to seek asylum somewhere.”
Yes, it is a sad reality of the world that we live in...a world filled with sin, rot and hatred.  And of course it's only going to get worse not better.
For those Christians who believe that we are supposed to be making a "heaven on earth" and once we do, Christ can return....they must be really upset...because clearly that ain't happening.
Jesus said things will get worse and worse.  Furthermore he said that when we see ALL THESE THINGS beginning to happen then His followers are supposed to lift up their heads because their redemption is near.
Friends, keep listening for the Trumpet.  All these things have begun to happen.  We don't know if Christ is coming for His Bride tonight, next year or 100 years from now...but with all that is going on we SHOULD NOT BE SURPRISED if it were to happen suddenly.

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