
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Charles Darwin Should Be Banned For His Comments

Right is now wrong and wrong is now right.  Evil is now good and good is now evil.  Up is down and down is up.  It would appear that even the smartest men among us are now made foolish in their thinking.  Romans 1 warned us that if we continue to deny the Creator and instead insist we evolved from rocks that our thinking would become futile. (upside down)

Evidence of this futile thinking is starting to emerge everywhere.

Since last weeks shooting of black people in a Bible study by a white man in South Carolina, the mob has been yelling that the Confederate Flag has to be taken down because it's offensive and maybe even helped to ignite this young man's hatred.

OK...but where does this end?

Should the U.S. Flag be taken down from the White House because it's offensive to American Indians?  After all, it may daily remind them of how their land was stolen by the government flying that flag and how they were forced onto reservations and left to starve....or so some would say.

Today we find the DUKES OF HAZARD TV show has been pulled because the car had a confederate flag on it.


Walmart has now refused to make cakes with Confederate flag on it....but has no problem making one with the Islamic State (ISIS) flag on it.


But let's not stop the banning here!  Let's look at one of the great racists of all time named Charles Darwin.  His theory of evolution suggests that black people descended from monkeys and that brown people were more evolved than black people and that white people were the MOST evolved....clearly superior to black and brown people.

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world”--Charles Darwin

OH MY GOODNESS!!  Can you even believe what he said?  Can you even imagine that college kids read his books and college professors demand that people follow and believe in this racist's theories? How can ANYONE be a Darwin supporter after reading his racist comments??

Yes, I am being sarcastic.

Where does it all end?

If you read the doesn't end well for those who refuse to accept Christ and who refuse to fear The Lord.

The liberal/progressives are just thoroughly confused right now and they are starting to spin themselves into a whirlwind they can't stop.  Caitlyn Jenner is GOOD because she was a lady born as a man....but the black lady who was born as a white lady was BAD because she didn't tell the truth? Homosexuals are born that way so they are GOOD in demanding their cause....but people who screw animals and claim to be born that way are BAD because why?

The atheists simply don't have the answers.  The Bible does.  Sadly, we are now a nation where atheists and Bible mockers are a we can expect that futile thinking will grow worse and worse until Christ finally comes to remove us from this confused, dark earth.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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