
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

ISIS Beheads 12 Al Qaeda Members

As you read this article you can be honest in admitting your confused thoughts and feelings.

On the one hand the ISIS murderers are brutal and demon possessed and they need to be stopped....but on the other hand they are killing other demon possessed, brutal killers of Al Qaeda who probably deserve to have their heads cut off.

So the article confuses it poetic justice or simply more Muslim-terrorist atrocities?

ISIS beheads 12 men from rival al-Qaeda as 'civil war' rages between terror groups

The savage act, one of an increasing number of 'blue on blue' attacks, was depicted in a new video released by the group, which is marking a year since its first significant victory in Iraq.

The dozen victims were members of the al-Qaeda and Jaish al-Islam groups - both of whom are guilty of similarly depraved attacks.

The film shows the men being paraded in front of the camera shortly before their death.

They are then led out to a desert clearing near the Syrian capital of Damascus where they are forced to kneel on the ground.

Each of the 12 is then executed by a different ISIS member.

The video - titled Repent Before Being Overcome - was released by the Damascus branch of Islamic State, and comes as experts warn that the fanatical organisation is likely to ramp up its release of videos as it competes to win the propaganda war.

The clip bears all the hallmarks of an ISIS video with the captives dressed in bright orange jumpsuits.

But the latest video does contain one surprising change in protocol - all the men being interviewed about their 'crimes' are clean-shaven.

The public humiliation is intended to send a clear message to those not-loyal to ISIS, with the fighters demanding the men acknowledge Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as their leader or face certain death.

ISIS was historically a part of al-Qaeda and only split from the terror group recently when it declared the new objective of establishing a caliphate.

It comes as the presidents of Russia and the US spoke on the telephone about the ongoing criss in the Middle East.

Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama devoted "significant attention" to discussing how to counter ISIS and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry will now meet to review the issue.


I don't know who is responsible for this famous saying and I can't remember that it comes from the Bible, but just about all of us know it and it comes to mind as you read this article;



  1. Are you referring to Matthew 26:52?

  2. Perfect! Yes, the words were spoken by Jesus! How appropriate! Thanks!
