
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Porn, Lonely and Suicide are Top Google Search Words

I'm going to guess you can tell a lot about a nation based on what they search for on the Internet.

What we search for has now been turned into a verb, as in, "Did you Google it?"

So what is America GOOGLING these days?

‘Porn’ And ‘Lonely’ Among Top Late Night Google Searches In US

Google data analysis suggests that “porn” and “suicide” searches dominate late night online inquiries, while searches for free video games and other anonymous searches flow throughout the day.

A New York Times analysis of Google’s “very sharp” data for New York state pinpointed some rather precise searches throughout the day and night.

“Unblocked games,” or those not blocked by school administrators, peaks at 8:04 a.m., and stays high throughout the day until 1:30 p.m. Searches for “weather,” “prayer” and “news” peak before 5:30 a.m., suggesting Americans wake up early across their respective time zones.

Bizarre questions and those pursuing “anxiety” and “suicide” answers are rampant throughout late night hours. Google’s released data doesn’t show the total number of searches, but rather, the search rate for a word and at what time it’s highest – meaning an unusually large amount of searches went out at that respective hour.


Of course the irony is that becoming addicted to porn will make you lonely and suicidal.

Funny how Satan works!  Sin is always fun when you first discover it.  It's only after the noose has been pulled tight that you realize that the "fun" sin leads to loneliness, depression and thoughts of suicide.

It would be nice if USA's top Google searches were "Jesus", "Salvation", "repent" and "grace".....but instead we get "Porn". "loneliness" and "suicide".


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