
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Vampires Are "Born That Way."

Are their really vampires out there?  People who need to drink other people's blood to maintain their health?

According to this article on Yahoo yesterday, there are!!  But they aren't the bat-like men with big fangs who bite ladies while they're sleeping....nope!  They are actually friendly people who need to drink other folks they ask them first!

And get this, most vampires won't come "out of the closet" for fear they will be misunderstood and even discriminated against...or even worse, labeled as "mentally ill"!

'Vampires' keep doctors in the dark for fear of stereotyping: study

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - It is not easy being a vampire, and even harder to come out of the coffin to a physician or therapist for fear they will misinterpret the habit of ingesting the blood of willing donors or succumb to stereotyping, a study finds.

Research led by D.J. Williams, director of social work at Idaho State University, indicated that people who identify themselves as “real” vampires – that is, needing others’ blood to gain energy – would not disclose their practices to those in the helping professions and risk reactions like ridicule, disgust and possible diagnosis of a mental illness.

The paper, published in the latest issue of Critical Social Work, a peer-reviewed journal based in Canada, found that authentic vampires as opposed to “lifestyle” vampires – black-clad figures with phony fangs – might be stereotyped by clinicians whose fields discourage biases.

Williams, who has studied self-identified vampires for nearly a decade, finds they come from every walk of life and profession, including doctors, attorneys and candlestick makers.

“They are successful, ordinary people,” he said.

Except they are very, very tired. That’s apparently the chief reason they find a consenting adult willing to allow them to use a scalpel to make a tiny incision in the chest area so they can ingest a small amount of blood for energy, the study found.

Williams and another researcher based the paper on the responses of 11 people who had identified themselves as vampires for many years and could be relied on to be open and honest, and who gain permission from practicing adults before ingesting their blood, he said.

“The real vampire community seems to be a conscientious and ethical one,” Williams said.

The challenge is finding non-judgmental clinicians to whom vampires can disclose their alternative lifestyles, he added.

“Most vampires believe they were born that way; they don’t choose this,” Williams said.

The global vampire population is thought to number in the thousands, he said.



Classic cut and paste from the homosexual agenda!!  Satan scored such a huge coup with the gay agenda he is going to just cut and paste the entire thing into vampires, pedophiles, bestiality participants, polygamists, liars, thieves, swindlers and every other vice or perversion humans are born with.

Poor vampires!!  They are having problems finding "non-judgmental clinicians to whom they can disclose their alternate lifestyles"!!  We need to make a vampire clinic for them funded 100% by non-vampires who pay taxes!  And have free-vampire healthcare!  And make sure every public restroom has a vampire friendly stall!  And make sure that anti-bullying-vampire legislation gets on the books!

Friends, there are thousands of vampires all over the world!  Soon someone will claim that vampires account for 1-3% of the general population...and once we are all convinced that this is true, the public schools will then need to put "vampire education" into their curriculum and teach all students (starting in kindergarten) how to safely drink blood just in case they become a vampire.

Berkeley, CA teacher to her first grade student;  "Jimmy, have you ever had a raw steak? know like one where there is a little blood around the plate?  You have?  Well, it's totally OK that you maybe like blood because YOU might be a vampire.  It's totally cool if you fact there are thousands of people all over the world who are JUST LIKE YOU!  In fact this district has a vampire support club that meets every Thursday after school.  I'll just sign you up for it and we can start your entire transition into become a full blown, accepted and proud vampire!!   I'm so happy for you Jimmy!  I'm so proud of your courage!  Are you going to march in the vampire-pride-parade at the capital next month?"

Friends, we are in trouble here on planet earth.  I'm so thankful that one day (hopefully soon) Jesus is going to come on a rescue mission to snatch all people who have accepted Him as Messiah and Savior!

Sing with me now!....

This world is not my home I'm just a-passin' through
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue
The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

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