
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tunisia Decides to Build Wall to Hold Back Muslim Terrorists

Another double standard appears to be in the making....Saudi Arabia can build a wall, Tunisia can build a wall BUT when Israel builds a wall the world cries FOUL!!!

After terror attacks, Tunisia erects fence on Libya border

TUNIS, Tunisia — Tunisia’s army and contractors are building a barrier along part of the country’s border with Libya to keep out extremists in the wake of attacks claimed by the Islamic State group.

Prime Minister Habib Essid said the goal is to render the border “impassable” by jihadi fighters and vehicles, and construction should be finished this year.

Essid told Tunisian TV the barrier will cover 168 kilometers (105 miles) — about one-third of the border — and will include fencing, a sand wall, trenches and surveillance posts.

Tunisia’s government declared a state of emergency days after a gunman killed 38 tourists, mostly Britons, on June 26 in the coastal resort of Sousse. In March, two attackers fired on tourists and others at Tunis’ National Bardo Museum, killing 22 people.

Authorities say the three gunmen, who were shot dead by security forces, received weapons training in Libya.

Tunisia overthrew its dictator in 2011, setting off the Arab Spring revolutions. While successive governments have fostered democracy in Tunisia, Libya has fallen into near-chaos — now divided between rival governments with hundreds of militias roaming the country.

Here; seems all sorts of countries are trying to protect their borders using impenetrable walls....I wonder why America has such a problem trying to build a wall that would protect our Southern border?

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