
Monday, November 30, 2015

Pope Says Christians and Muslims Are Brothers and Sisters

There is no doubt that all humans are brothers and sisters in that we all descended from one original couple.  The Bible names this couple as Adam and Eve.

But when the New Testament refers to 'brothers and sisters', the writers are speaking of believers in Christ.  So any born-again man or woman would be a new spiritual creation and they would instantly be brothers and sisters to anyone else who has accepted Christ as Savior and Lord.

Now let's check in on what the Pope is saying today....

Pope Francis has told worshippers in a mosque in the Central African Republic that "Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters".

He was speaking to Muslims who had sought shelter in the capital Bangui after nearly three years of violence between Christians and Muslims.

The mosque visit was seen as perhaps the most difficult part of his Africa tour, a BBC correspondent says.

Pope Francis then held the final Mass of his Africa trip in Bangui.

He was speaking in Latin, which was then translated into the local Sango language.

His message of reconciliation appeared to have an immediate impact, as a reporter from the AFP news agency spotted a group of Muslim rebels turn up at the Mass wearing t-shirts with the Pope's image on them.


Wait....what???  Muslim rebels showed up at a Catholic Mass wearing t-shirts with the Pope's image on them??  We assume this is because they think he is a pretty nifty guy?

We have no idea if the Pope is the actual FALSE PROPHET mentioned in Revelation who teams up with the Antichrist to gather the world into a false religion...BUT....if the rapture were to happen later today and the Pope was left behind...we would have to wonder if he wouldn't be a REALLY good candidate for the job.

Remember, the Westminster Presbyterian church has a Koran displayed at in it's front foyer right alongside the Bible and calls it a "sacred text" if some Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists and all sort of Catholics are left behind when Christ returns for his bride....they would have a big start on gathering all of those left behind to embrace a one-world-religion and begin to worship the beast.

This appears to be one more big sign of the Last Days, also referred to as the apostasy or the 'falling away'.

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