
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Who Is Bringing Muslims Into USA?

I had an interesting conversation last week with a client who stopped by the office.  The client lives in a medium sized city in Minnesota that has a very large Catholic population.  Over the past handful of years the number of Muslims has swelled in that much so that the local college decided it would be a good idea to install Muslim foot baths so as to appease the influx of Muslim students.

I asked him why all the Muslims were coming to his town?  His told me it was because of all the Catholic Charities that were helping Muslims relocate there.

Remember, we just posted yesterday that Catholics seem to be deluded by Muslims worship of Allah and their belief that Allah and the God of the Bible are one-in-the-same.

Today we find this little blurb....

Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion

In the face of President Obama’s veto threat, members of Congress may not be able to pass legislation suspending or upgrading the program permitting refugees from Syria, the Middle East and North Africa to settle in the U.S. But the Republican Congress certainly has the power to hold hearings into the millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled through Catholic and other church groups to bring them here. Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike would like to know how “religious compassion,” using federal money, is increasing the potential terrorist threat to America.

You may recall that Pope Francis promoted the Obama administration’s pro-immigration policies during his visit to the U.S. Left unsaid was the fact that the American branch of the Roman Catholic Church is getting millions of taxpayer dollars to settle refugees. According to their financial statement for 2014, the latest year for which figures are available, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops received over $79 million in government grants to provide benefits to refugees.

Simply stated, Congress can expose how the money is being spent and cut it off.

Some of the refugees being settled are Catholics from Latin America who join the church in the U.S. But others are from the Middle East. Ironically, the Catholic Bishops are bringing Muslims in, while closing down Catholic churches inside the U.S.

Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch website notes that Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church in Syracuse, New York, was closed down by the Catholic Church and has been leased to an Islamic society which renamed it Mosque Of Jesus The Son Of Mary.

“There are slim copper crescents where, for 100 years, there had been crosses,” reports Marnie Eisenstadt of the Syracuse Post-Standard and She adds, “The six crosses were removed and replaced at the end of June. Four of them were massive: 600 pounds of concrete each, and more than 4 feet tall. The step was the last, and most visible, in the building’s change from church to mosque.”

The situation is even worse in Europe, where Islam is replacing Christianity as the dominant religion.

The Catholic News Agency reports that only 2.9 percent of the French population actually practice the Catholic faith. That compares to 3.8 percent of the population that practice Islam.

It is reported that as many as 150 new mosques currently are under construction in France.

Nevertheless, in response to the recent wave of Muslims fleeing the Middle East, Pope Francis has appealed to Europe’s Catholics, calling on “every” parish, religious community, monastery and sanctuary to take in one refugee family.


Friends, as you all know by now, Islam is not simply another is also a political and legal system.

Now it is being reported that The White House will not allow the question of "what religion are you?" to be asked during the vetting process of Syrian refugees.


Of course the liberals will say that religious freedom is the bedrock foundation of what has made America great...but they simply can't understand  that many Muslims have no intention of ever becoming Americans and/or embracing our Judeo/Christian values.

As we have already witnessed in other European soon as the Muslim numbers get to a certain percentage...they start demanding that their host country become more Muslim.

As Christian individuals, Jesus gave us the order to be kind to and love our matter how lost they are, in hopes that our love of them will win them over to Christ.  But in no way, shape or form was that an order given by Jesus for the nations.

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