
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Turkey Buying Oil From ISIS & Obama Knows It

According to the author of this next article, if we could get the media to pick up on this news that Turkey is buying oil from ISIS and Obama has known it all could be the scandal of the century and wreck Obama's credibility and possibly shove the Republicans into full power next year.

At this point, is there anyone that still doesn't know that ISIS is selling hundreds of millions of dollars of stolen oil in Turkey?As you will see below, this is very much an open secret, but the mainstream media in the United States is being strangely silent about this.Why?

Well, because if the truth came out, Turkey would have to be kicked out of NATO and Barack Obama would probably be facing impeachment proceedings.He claims to be fighting ISIS, and yet an endless parade of trucks carrying oil that ISIS has stolen goes back and forth over the Turkish border with his full knowledge and approval.

Barack Obama is very much aware that Turkey is buying oil from ISIS and he refuses to do anything about it.If the Republicans are looking for a scandal which could completely wreck Obama’s presidency and essentially secure the 2016 election for them, this is it.

Do you want to know why the Turkish government ordered the shooting down of a Russian Su-24 bomber on Tuesday? It is because the Russians have been bombing the trucks that transport oil from ISIS into Turkey.

The Turks claim that the Russian aircraft violated their airspace for approximately 17 seconds. But as Paul Craig Roberts has pointed out, in order for the SU-24 to fly only 1.15 miles in 17 seconds would mean that it was flying at stall speed the entire time, which is ridiculous.Clearly there is something very fishy with the official story, and the Russians say that they never violated Turkey's airspace at any time.

But no matter who was right and who was wrong, normally countries go out of their way to avoid an international incident.Instead, it appeared that the Turks were quite eager to shoot down the SU-24, and since that time Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has refused to apologize.In fact, he has warned Russia “not to play with fire” and he insists that it is the Russians that need to apologize...

“Those who violated our airspace are the ones who need to apologize. Our pilots and our armed forces, they simply fulfilled their duties, which consisted of responding to ... violations of the rules of engagement. I think this is the essence.”

Is he insane?

What in the world would cause Erdogan to behave so irrationally?

Well, the truth is that Erdogan has been very upset these days because the Russians have been interfering with the illegal oil smuggling that his family has been conducting.

One of the ways that Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded to the downing of the SU-24 has been to drop “truth bombs” on Turkey.Just check out some of the comments that he made this week following a meeting with French President Francois Hollande...

Commercial-scale oil smuggling from Islamic State controlled territory into Turkey must be stopped, Putin said after meeting Hollande in Moscow.

“Vehicles, carrying oil, lined up in a chain going beyond the horizon,” said Putin, reminding the press that the scale of the issue was discussed at the G20 summit in Antalya earlier this month, where the Russian leader demonstrated reconnaissance footage taken by Russian pilots.

The views resemble a "living oil pipe" stretched from ISIS and rebel controlled areas of Syria into Turkey, the Russian president stressed. “Day and night they are going to Turkey. Trucks always go there loaded, and back from there—empty.”

“We are talking about a commercial-scale supply of oil from the occupied Syrian territories seized by terrorists. It is from these areas [that oil comes from], and not with any others. And we can see it from the air, where these vehicles are going,” Putin said.

If the Russians can see this very clearly, do you think that the U.S. military and U.S. intelligence agencies can see this too?

Of course we can. We have even better surveillance capabilities than do the Russians.

Without a doubt, Obama knows exactly what is going on.

The SU-24 was shot down over an area that is used to transport ISIS oil into Turkey.This is a point that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been careful to highlight.The following comes from Sputnik News...

Lavrov also pointed to Turkey's role in the propping up the terror network through the oil trade.

“The Russian Minister reminded his counterpart about Turkey's involvement in the ISIS’ illegal trade in oil, which is transported via the area where the Russian plane was shot down, and about the terrorist infrastructure, arms and munitions depots and control centers that are also located there,"” the statement read.

“Sergei Lavrov specifically said that this act by Turkey will have serious consequences for Russian-Turkish relations and will not go unanswered.”

It would be one thing if everyone was just finding out now that ISIS is selling oil in Turkey.

But the truth is that this has been known about for quite a long time.

For instance, the U.S. uncovered “undeniable” evidence that Turkey was buying oil from ISIS back in July...

Western officials have long harbored suspicions about Turkey’s links to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh. One official told The Guardian's Martin Chulov in July that a US-led raid on the compound housing ISIS’ “chief financial officer” produced “undeniable” evidence that Turkish officials directly dealt with ranking ISIS members, mainly by purchasing oil from them.


What a hot mess this entire world has become!!  It's like a 3-dimensional chess board where nothing can be moved without seriously upsetting numerous layers!  NATO members, Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, Saudis hate Russians, everyone hates Israel, Iran hates Saudi, NATO says Assad must go, Russia says he's not going anywhere...

It would certainly appear that Jesus' words about Kingdom rising against Kingdom are in play.

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