
Monday, December 21, 2015

AIDS...The Gay Man's Disease

Do you remember when AIDS first hit the world 30 years ago?  It seemed the media was trying desperately to make this awful disease 'every ones disease" by showing little kids who got aids via a blood transfusion or interviewing women who had transacted the disease usually from their bi-sexual boyfriend.  But in reality, if you look at the statistics today, AIDS is a gay man's disease.

Today we are learning that the FDA will now take blood donations from gay men...but check out what the stipulation is!

The United States government on Monday overturned its 30-year ban on blood donations by gay men, saying they can now donate 12 months after their last sexual contact with another man.

The Food and Drug Administration said its decision to reverse the policy was based on an examination of the latest science which shows that an indefinite ban is not necessary to prevent transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

"Ultimately, the 12-month deferral window is supported by the best available scientific evidence, at this point in time, relevant to the U.S. population," Dr. Peter Marks, deputy director of the FDA's biologics division, said in a statement.

The move brings the United States in line with countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand which also have 12-month deferment periods.

Gay rights advocates said the updated policy remains discriminatory.

"It is ridiculous and counter to the public health that a married gay man in a monogamous relationship can't give blood, but a promiscuous straight man who has had hundreds of opposite sex partners in the last year can," said Jared Polis, a Democratic congressman and co-chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, a caucus of openly gay members of Congress.

The FDA said it has worked with other government agencies and considered input from outside advisory bodies, and has "carefully examined the most recent available scientific evidence to support the current policy revision."


And yes, of course, the gay rights folks are still angry.  Why can a straight man who has had "hundreds of opposite sex partners in the past year" give blood but a married gay man can't?

First off, Mr. Polis, how many men in America do you think there are that have had sex with hundreds of different women in the past year?  I'm gonna say.....five.  With 365 days in a year....I doubt there are that many guys who have the time or money to have sex with hundreds of different women.

On the other many monogamous gay men do you think there are in America.....I'm gonna say five.

If you peel back the layers of gay sex between gay would be disgusted to learn what activities that they engage in.

The Bible warns that sexual sins are particularly bad because they act against the body.

1 Corinthians 6
18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

As you reflect on the whole AIDS disease and the millions of men who have makes one wonder if Romans 1 was speaking to this coming event?

Romans 1
Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Hmmmmm.....'received IN THEMSELVES the due penalty for their perversion."??

If you go to the U.S. Statistics page, they will confirm that gay perversion is the cause of MOST new AIDS cases.

HIV Incidence (new infections): The estimated incidence of HIV has remained stable overall in recent years, at about 50,000 new HIV infections per year. Within the overall estimates, however, some groups are affected more than others. MSM (MEN HAVING SEX WITH MEN) continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infection, and among races/ethnicities, African Americans continue to be disproportionately affected.

Although MSM (MEN HAVING SEX WITH MEN) represent about 4% of the male population in the United States, in 2010, MSM accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among males and 63% of all new infections. MSM accounted for 54% of all people living with HIV infection in 2011, the most recent year these data are available. MEN HAVING SEX WITH MEN only accounts for about 4% of American men....but of that tiny group of men they account for almost 63% of all new AIDS cases? really is a gay-man's disease.

Hey friends, did you know that if follow the rules and warnings that the Bible suggests for sexual intercourse and you stay a virgin until you are married and then after marriage ONLY have sex with your spouse....YOU ARE GUARANTEED to NEVER get AIDS through sexual transmission!  Even if you have sex with each other HUNDREDS of times per year.

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