
Monday, December 21, 2015

"Devil's Drug" Is Driving Florida Insane

The Bible tells us that in the Last Days people will be using drugs and will refuse to give them up even when The Great Tribulation starts raining the wrath of God onto them.

Check out the most heinous drug law enforcement has EVER seen in Florida.

An emergency room doctor calls it as "five-dollar insanity." A rehab director says it's the "devil's drug."

On the street, it's known as flakka — a synthetic crystal imported from China that is wreaking havoc in South Florida and threatening to spread its misery and profits across the country.

It's cheap, crazily addictive and terrifying. A single dose smoked, swallowed or snorted can give a user a potent but fleeting rush — or turn them into a paranoid zombie with superhuman strength and off-the-charts vital signs.

In the 14 months since the epidemic began in Broward County, 60 people have died. Hospitals are getting dozens of patients a day. And some nights, half the calls to police are flakka-related emergencies.

Homeland Security has a Florida unit devoted to the drug, and United Way of Broward County launched a multi-agency task force to crack down on the scourge.

"If we don't get it right here, it's going to explode," United Way chief executive Kathleen Cannon said.

Floridians say it's the worst drug crisis they have seen since the crack-cocaine epidemic of the 1980s. First responders describe nightmarish scenes with users running naked into traffic or impaling themselves on fences.

A 37-year-old old mother of two named Stephanie told NBC News about her first experience with flakka, which she unwittingly smoked during a drug binge.

A quick blast of euphoria was followed by a sickening fear. As the drug deregulated her autonomic nervous system, she began hallucinating that she was being chased and took off running.

Her body temperature spiked and she tore off some of her clothes and jumped three stories off a bridge into the Intercoastal Waterway.

"I just remember being in the water and feeling like I could breathe under water," she said.

"It's one of the most addictive drugs we've ever seen…and because it's so inexpensive, for something like $5, addicts can get high for a couple of days. And then when they start to withdraw, they crave it. The body has an obsession for it."

"We're calling it the devil's drug," Rapaglia said. "I've never seen anything like it. It is by far worse than crack."

"I talk to patrol and they say it's every other call some nights…just one after the other, all flakka-related calls," said Capt. Dana Swisher of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department.

"Anytime we respond to a flakka-related call from patrol, we're gonna require at last three to four officers to respond."

Dr. Nabil El Sanadi, chief executive of Broward Health and an ER doctor, said his hospitals first started seeing flakka patients in September 2014. Now they get 25 to 30 a day.

When they arrive, their heart rate is often between 150 and 200 beats per minute, with blood pressure at "near-lethal" levels like 230/160. They may have been injured struggling with rescue workers and sometimes their kidneys are already failing.

"They come in hot, crazy, insane, out of their mind and then on top of that, fast heart rate and high blood pressure," he said.

"I would say of all the drugs I've seen — cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, Oxycontin — this is the absolute worst."

"It's five-dollar insanity," he added.

The damage can be permanent. Paranoia and attention deficits can linger for months. Hall said some drug treatment sessions can only be 20 minutes long because that's all a flakka survivor can stay focused.


Wow!  Satan REALLY came up with a good one here!  Worst drug ever seen!  Most highly addictive EVER seen!  Damage can be PERMANENT!

Friends, how many of the flakka users do you suppose have health insurance?  None?  So who do you suppose pays for their health needs caused by their drug induced frenzy?  How much do you suppose it costs a city to send out 4-5 officers to try and handle a flakka user and get him arrested? How much do you suppose it will cost our society to have thousands and thousands of flakka users permanently disabled because of their use of this drug?  Do you REALLY believe that Homeland Security is going to stop the spread of this drug all through America?

Meanwhile, here in America we are busy announcing to all that the WAR ON DRUGS simply didn't work!  We spent billions of dollars and got nothing in return. Heroin deaths have now surpassed auto-accident deaths in 36 states!

So what's the answer since we can't win the war on drugs?....LET'S LEGALIZE MARIJUANA!!

Why don't you take a WILD GUESS at what drug most teens start doing that leads them to look for other drugs that are stronger and have bigger highs?

Yep!  It's marijuana..

This nation is going to collapse friends.  The writing is already on the wall. I believe that GOD'S MERCY is the only reason we haven't collapsed already.  God must still have some use for America as a nation....maybe for Israel's purpose?  Maybe for the purpose that we are still supporting so many evangelists who ARE telling the TRUTH of Jesus Christ?

But when He is done with America, have no false illusions, she could unravel so fast it will make your head spin.

Deuteronomy 8:20
Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God. (Yes, yes...I know this is for Israel, but God NEVER CHANGES)

Job 12:23 
He makes nations great, and destroys them; he enlarges nations, and disperses them.

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