
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Anti-Gun Groups Claim Suicides in Statistics

If you find yourself defending our rights to bear arms at the water cooler someday, you may want to have this statistic sitting in your brain to fend of the liberals who believe that guns are bad.

The anti-gun liberals ALWAYS quote these huge number of deaths and says they are part of "gun violence" in America.  IN REALITY, 2/3 of the deaths claimed are from suicide.

The shooting tragedies at Sandy Hook Elementary and in Aurora, Colo. have reignited a serious gun debate in the United States. Many have called for, and our nation deserves, an honest, fact-based, and logical discussion.

However, accurate citation of facts is a prerequisite to genuinely having that discussion. Unfortunately many politicians, major news media outlets, and gun-control advocacy organizations are less than fully honest and selectively present information. Worse, some of their information is fabricated, half-truths, or outright lies.

Recently, several major news outlets have invoked images of the Sandy Hook or Aurora massacres and cited that each year 30,000 Americans die from “gun-related deaths” or “gun violence.” The truth is that two-thirds of these deaths are self-inflicted suicides that do not have any true connection to either mass-murder shootings (which make up a fraction of 1% of homicides), or “regular,” non-mass shootings (which make up the vast majority of homicides). Suicide is a genuine public-health issue that should demand our collective attention, but its causes are wholly different from those of crime. As such, any policy that might have an impact on suicide is likely to be very different from policies meant to address crime and homicide. We ought to be honest about keeping crime data separate from suicides.


Is suicide a sad deal?  You bet it is!  But should it really enter into the discussion about gun violence the fact that lots of folks use a gun to kill themselves?


If all the suicidal folks decided to use rope to hang themselves, would that silence the "Guns are bad" liberals?

Maybe....but we doubt it.

The desire to disarm America most likely has some deep, evil roots...and most likely has something to do with the fact that Satan wants the people of planet earth disarmed so his dude, the Antichrist, may have a lot easier time getting folks to comply with his ideas AFTER THE RAPTURE.

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