
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Miss Puerto Rico Suspended for Dissing Allah

Poor Miss Puerto Rico!  She's in trouble now for saying Muslims don't worship the same god as Christians.

There's nothing pretty about this beauty queen's comments.

Miss Puerto Rico Destiny Velez has been suspended indefinitely from Miss America competition after she fired off a series of vicious anti-Muslim tweets in response to the "We Are All Muslim" protests led by director Michael Moore.

The 20-year-old Velez directed her angry tweets at the film director — who created a buzz last week when he held up a sign reading "We Are All Muslim" outside of Trump Tower and shared an open letter online claiming that, unlike Trump, "we are not a country of angry white guys."

Velez's remarks prompted the Miss Puerto Rico Organization to issue a statement calling her comments a poor representation of "the integrity and esteem of our program."

Velez's remarks prompted the Miss Puerto Rico Organization to issue a statement calling her comments a poor representation of "the integrity and esteem of our program."
In her tweets, Velez said, "Muslims use our constitution to terrorize USA & plant gas stations," before later adding that Muslims "terrorize this country & many others."

She Tweeted, "Islamic god is NOT the same god of the Christians and Jews."  "There is no comparison between Jews, Christians and Muslims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books."

"Miss Velez's actions were in contradiction to the organization, and therefore as a consequence of her actions, she has been suspended indefinitely," the statement read. "The Miss Puerto Rico Organization will not tolerate any actions or behavior contrary to the Miss Puerto Rico Organization."

Velez apologized for her comments shortly after with a statement of her own.

"I stand up against bullying," she said. "The last thing I wanted to do was to bully anyone."

"I apologize to anyone who felt offended with my words."


You just can't say that Miss Puerto Rico!  The liberals simply won't allow it!  According to them EVERYONE worships the same god because they are all equally valid and all equally worthy of worship so thereby must all be the same thing!

Soon it will be illegal for ANYONE to say that Muslims don't worship the same god as Christians. And certainly it will be illegal for anyone to say the the Muslim god, and his prophet Muhammad, are so full of lies that they MUST come from the Father of Lies, Satan.

John 8:44 
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

There's a passage in Daniel 8 that speaks of the time on earth when the Antichrist will take over a large part of planet earth.

It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.

As you read more and more about the people who are silenced for suggesting anything "hurtful" towards Islam, it makes one wonder if this is more foreshadowing of this coming prophecy when TRUTH will be thrown to the ground?

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