
Monday, December 28, 2015

Franklin Graham Leaves GOP

Franklin Graham would most likely get along with most of my readers.  He believes The Lord's return is close, he is a big supporter of Israel and has been speaking out about Christian persecution while being very clear that Muslims DO NOT worship the same god as Christians.

So check out what Franklin has been saying about the GOP (Republicans)

The Rev. Franklin Graham quitting the Republican Party poses a significant blow to the GOP’s 2016 White House aspirations, especially if other evangelical pastors follow suit and their millions-plus congregations stay away from the polls.

Graham suggested earlier this week that the last straw was congressional Republicans funding Planned Parenthood in the recently passed, $1.8 trillion tax-and-spending package, despite revelations about the group harvesting fetal tissue.

However, he made clear Wednesday night that the funding was only part of the reason he left the GOP to become an independent.

"It's not just that,” Graham said on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” “It's the way the bill was passed. It came down so quickly. And it didn't seem like anybody tried to fight it. It was just, 'Let's get home for Christmas.' "

Graham, the son of evangelical leader Billy Graham, also expressed disappointment with GOP and Democratic leaders but insisted he’s not trying to lead a GOP exodus.

“I'm not here to hurt the Republican Party,” he said, adding that the GOP appears to have “some good candidates” in the 2016 White House race.

Earlier in the day, the Rev. Wilfredo De Jesus, head pastor for the New Life Covenant Church, in Chicago, expressed similar concerns.

“People already know how evangelicals feel about the sanctity of life,” he told “That’s a continual fight. But the government spending also speaks to us. That was the disappointment and frustration you heard in brother Graham’s tone.”

De Jesus, popularly known as Pastor Choco, said only time will tell whether other evangelical leaders will follow Graham and potentially take voters with them.

“Many evangelicals are still vetting,” he said. “It’s too early. … But hope is in the kingdom of God, not in the political system.”


Amen to that!!  Our hope is in the Kingdom of God!! They Kingdom Come!!

I have always said that the Republicans and Democrats are both equally guilty of leading America down the path towards implosion.  But when given a choice, I have always voted for the LEAST WORST candidates that MOST LINE UP with my world view....and that means I have always voted the Republican ticket.

But at what point do we get to the place where we can't vote for either party?  And then what??

Clearly, if the Evangelical voters decide to stay away from the polls next would just about guarantee the Democrats would win the day.

Take solace in the fact that God already knows who the next President of the USA is....and we will most likely get the exact leaders that we deserve.

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