
Monday, December 28, 2015

What Muslims Really Believe

Obama comes on the TV and tells us that "99.9% of Muslims are peace loving."  Really?

No.  It's a bold faced lie.

All my readers need to take a few minutes and watch this video MADE BY A MUSLIM that plainly shows the FACTS about what the world's Muslims really believe.

Listening to President Obama and Hillary Clinton, one would think that Islamic extremists represent only a minority of Muslims, but the facts tell a different story.

Hillary Clinton will tell you that Muslims are peaceful people. President Obama will tell you that the majority of Muslims reject terror and desire peace.

Let’s be very clear that there are many Muslims who do seek peace, and who reject terror. We cannot generalize.

As for violent, extremist Islam? The numbers are going to shock you, because the truth is that Islam today does have a problem.

Learn what Muslims actually believe – based on scientific polls. The results are shocking.

Watch video here;

If you guys are all on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or whatever else you use for social media...please consider posting this video in hopes that as many people will watch it as possible.  Our leaders are all lying to us.  It will not be possible to defeat and enemy that you can't even acknowledge their name.

Just imagine if the liberals had coined the term "Naziphobic" when the previous generation was trying to understand what the enemy, the Nazis, were up to?

"But Dennis, it's just a very few members of the Nazi party that are bad.  We can't really justify killing or capturing all the Nazis!  That would be racist!"

Watch the video please.....

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